Thursday, May 20, 2021

TRUMP® Jan 6

January 6th lives in infamy : Violent forces attacked the US Capitol to stop our nation replacing Trump®. The instigators, typical of yellowbelly top brass, were far from front line struggles.


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Bloody Boots on Family Graves

America built the Marine Corps Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course on stolen Native Hawaiian land. But more insulting to local feeling, they deliberately desecrate the spot by playing golf on family graves. The US Military knows the 3000-acre Mokapu peninsula is historically special - "Mokapu" means "Sacred island" ...

Don't you believe it's wrong Hawaiian ancestral bones must share cherished land with the rubbish of Yankee occupation forces? Get Off Our Cemetery & Get Out of Hawai'i.




Monday, May 17, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Monday, May 03, 2021

Hawaiian Warriors : Festive or Restive

 Hawaiian Warriors : Festive? or Restive ?... We can still Choose


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thrill of the Kill ?

NRA Sports takes a hit as Republican stalwart Wayne LaPierre pumps three bullets into an elephant, watches it suffer, and fails to kill it. Gruesome.  🐘


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Ugly Faces of Death

 Ugly Faces of Death: NRA's Wayne LaPierre & wife Susan slay two African elephants 😠 🐘 ... link:


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Japan & TEPCO Legacy



 Japan's radioactive sea-dump triggers global seafood FEAR ☢️

❌  Nuclear accident poisons, Made in Japan  🐙 ☣️

福島巻  DANGER  ☢️  ☢️  ☢️  ☢️

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Cahokia Complicates Cancel Culture

Right-wing US creeps cry Cancel Culture?

Most Americans know little or nothing about the destroyed civilizations they've parked themselves upon. Ugly Genocide of Native America.

Cahokia and similar native settlements & cities are not a normal part of US history studies. I suppose we deliberately obscure them due to GUILT



Monday, April 12, 2021

Fuck You Teddy

Soft & Flabby: Reality is HARSH. Push for a place in the boat! America's rulers have murdered entire communities for wealth. 

Don't be imprisoned by filibuster & bipartisan shenanigans: Grab Advantage - NOW.





Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Fresh Air

I post more-personal news and photos on Facebook; this blog gets my darker, more-political musings & images. Sorry!  

I'll move over a few brighter images.  Aloha!

Monday, March 01, 2021

Protect Pence : Shelve in Silence

Can Mike Pence be Recycled?
No statements = No misstep, so Hero to ALL ?


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Occupied Hawai'i is UnAmerican

Imagine if Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, with Russian assistance, unilaterally declared a new American nation. Preposterous - but that is essentially what happened in Honolulu on January 17, 1893. Damn Yankees.


Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Trump Attempts Government Overthrow

Trump demanded murderous rioters stop Congress counting votes. His nasty legacy to the world: the middle finger.

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Peaceful Reoccupation of Native Lands

It is US law to "support reconciliation efforts between the United States and the Native Hawaiian people" (Public Law 103-150) but GI Joe has parked himself all around Hawai'i and stolen lands and harbors. 7 military golf courses on Occupied Oahu!


But in Toronto, Canada, youth has taken peaceful action. Government seems to be listening.

City of Toronto spokesman Alex Burke: "The City supports such initiatives & recognizes the rights of the members of Wiigwaasikaa & others to gather and participate in peaceful protests and acts of political expression. The City also appreciates that Wiigwaasikaa's mandate is relevant to current political issues & ongoing efforts to advance reconciliation."


Sunday, December 06, 2020

The Pussy

 The Pussy               by Genki


Them fancy folk cry "coup d'etat"

But we screech loudly "CHEAT!"

If Biden folk can vote when Dead

We can ignore defeat.


They called me dum "Deplorable"

In MAGA red chapeau

Melania is adorable

Yet often labeled "Ho"


The antifa would change our ways

And take away our guns

Abortion loving lib-dem gays

God Bless Our Führer's sons!


They say our President's perverse

Grabbed sex with pedo mates

George Soros raised the Covid curse

With help from rich Bill Gates.


This plague repeatedly was beat!

Now Die - ...Without a sound!

No work, no funds; His toxic tweet:

Let's golf another round!


It's make-believe Egyptian swim

I backstroke in denial

The body count looks queerly grim...

A second term? - Sieg Heil!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Trump Nominates Judge Garland !

President Trump could greatly advance his personal chances for reelection by promptly nominating Merrick Garland for the US Supreme Court. Garland is chief judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit; Garland was first nominated by the previous administration in 2016.  😊 💓 😯

Why simply wait for a new administration? The President's personal star would rise, with minor downside (as Republicans control the Senate confirmation process). 

Perhaps Trump's true choice is Garland plus another term for Trump, vs. Ruthless Barrett and Biden? Even if Trump were voted from office, the Garland choice is perhaps the best option to minimize recriminations for The Trump Organization.



Saturday, September 19, 2020

"Applicant has a Racial Disorder"

Centuries of favoritism, prejudice & neglect fuel RACISM today.

We still place whitey front & center if using terms such as "white privilege" or "non-white" -- we dodge the fact that race is often a handicap.

Uprooting the weeds and clearing garbage is a tough process when a community was built on theft & genocide.