Monday, April 10, 2017

Shame of Japan

There's no question ultra-right wing Moritomo Gakuen received special favors and valuable land almost free with help from the Japanese Finance Ministry & Osaka Prefectural Government.

A land plot sized 9492 m2 in Toyonaka, Osaka Prefecture was sold by the central government to Toyonaka Municipality in 2010 for ¥1423 million.

Moritomo wanted the adjacent 8770 m2 valued at ¥956 million.
And it was offered to them for just ¥134 million.

And further, "the government separately paid more than ¥131.76 million to Moritomo Gakuen to help decontaminate the land before it was sold." (link)

So in June 2016, Moritomo was allowed to get ¥956 million land for ¥2.24 million.
>> In other words, they paid $21,840. for land worth US$9,320,840.
The ultranationalists paid less than 1/400th, very far below 1% 

Then Japanese Finance Ministry officials kept the sale details secret (link), and destroyed records.

Japan's Prime Minister Abe & his family were involved.


Thursday, April 06, 2017

Buying Justice

Lawyer & Judge Neil Gorsuch, nominated to the US Supreme Court
  [Update - now confirmed, sworn, and in office. God Help Us.]

photo: Reuters

Plutocrat America ?

The sheeple of America must understand the word PLUTOCRAT:


a person whose power derives from their wealth

noun: plutocrat    "champagne-swilling plutocrats"
synonyms:    rich person, capitalist, tycoon, magnate, millionaire, billionaire, multimillionaire, nouveau riche, person of means;   informal: fat cat, rich asshole, moneybags

Plutocratic privilege in America will be further consolidated with appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. The New York Times names Gorsuch as financially involved in a continuous relationship to a secretive sponsor, Colorado plutocrat Philip Anschutz.  George Polk Award-winner Bill Moyers has now gone further, labeling Gorsuch the plutocrat's protégé (link).

Sen. Bernie Sanders continues (link) to sound the alarm. But as America's people are incapable of paying attention, they instead pay with their lifetimes in servitude.  Dumfux.

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Violence Generates Violence

Ancient peoples recognized the Cycle of Violence,
as cruelty generates hate and arrogance and more violence....

Gorilla Graphics & Kamikaze Design, 1970

Yankee violent militarism around the world is killing us.
Bring all American troops home.  Violence costs.

photo: Jonathan Hobin (In The Playroom series) A-boo-grave [detail]

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Obama was a Ruling Class Stooge

The HOPE triggered by electing Barack Obama as President of the United States slowly dwindled to simple respect. He & his family were seen to comport themselves honorably.

In my opinion, Obama was a failure -- a traitor to all but the rich.

For the ruling class in America, the mega-rich who repeatedly rape the world, Obama's performance. should be celebrated

We must remember the end of the Bush/Cheney years in 2007 and 2008 were marked by a profit-taking financial meltdown.

Obama led the bailout, offering public funds to refuel the rich. He required no accountability - the failed managers & directors kept their jobs without consequences. The ruling class foreclosed on America. Accountability was forced on the little people by both the Democratic & Republican parties as the big fish swam free, stockpiling resources offshore. Banks & funds later paid billions of dollars in penalties and fines to the U.S. Treasury for bad behavior. But the crooked system, corrupt to the core, survived & thrived.

A Hillary Clinton presidency would have brought more of the same. The Trump regime pledged to "drain the swamp" but thus far is no better.

God Bless America

Friday, March 31, 2017

All About Trump

Alien infiltration and a plague of swamp-creatures invade America while we all watch Trump !

Original Photo : Rebecca Cook/Reuters;  Retouch:

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Statement to Remember!

The New Jersey "Bridgegate" scandal has led to criminal convictions in United States Federal District Court; former public officials must now serve prison time:
US Department of Justice, US Attorney's Office, District of NJ

One key takeaway to note: CNN quotes US District Judge Susan Wigenton: (likely foreshadowing corruption among our present public servants):

"When dealing with public corruption,
only imprisonment can effectively promote general deterrence."

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Yankee SLAVE Schmuck, Wake Up

America's people are enslaved.
The US medical profession grabbed monopoly control of lifesaving drugs & technologies, and constructed huge barriers limiting entry to the profession. In Yankeeland, Medical help is now priced exorbitantly. Most elsewhere in the world, medical help is seen as a human right -- cheap & available to all.

Every American will die.

Of course, sometime soon each of us will die, as every person on earth has died.

Americans suffer before death, virtually raped -- the medical cartel empties our pockets and burns-up our essential energies & resources. Democrats & Republicans must watch their lives consumed by the doctoring profession & so-called health insurance companies. They've forbidden and outlawed self-medication. Where's the freedom in that?

Foolish America elected such cruelty.

Now many Americans cannot switch employers, and can't afford to lose their job because they might lose employer-funded health insurance. Your life of careful frugality will be dismantled by terminal health care costs.

Sorry reality is rough:  but Yankee, you are a senseless Slave.

Sez it all ... American Collapse

Independent Investigation for America:
Foreign Infiltration ?

Paying for illegal immigration Crime

The legal system & rule of law apply to all within a jurisdiction. We should all scoff at recent headlines of President Trump "Not Above the Law" (reportedly asserted by US Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch).  Who would suggest Trump & Co. are above the law?

Are undocumented / illegal immigrants above the law?

I believe a nation (and a family) has the right to limit access and residency. Those who broke US immigration laws and entered the country illegally may be otherwise good people. But the USA has good reason to send them away. Many citizens hesitate to invest in communities where the citizenry has totally lost control. If anyone can break the law, freely enter, and take resources, local energies are quickly sapped by outsiders.

(I'm in favor of refugee support. But refugees should be screened & registered, with costs widely distributed).

I'd go further than simply deporting undocumented / illegal immigrants. Such people should pay enforcement costs.

Better such people go voluntarily & independently. Undocumented non-citizens will more likely depart on their own if otherwise held liable for their deportation processing fees (and their share of overhead fees, perhaps $5000 to $150,000)...

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Megawealthy Vandal

Unproductive sick & old
Weaknesses now unconsoled...

Different people - Pay to stay
Or git yo' ass from USA!

Mean-spirited misguided masses
The Swamp Still Stinks - digestive gasses?

Wars we've started, peoples burned
"They hate our way of life" we learned.

Herr Leader unashamed abuser
We've each become a Total Loser.

Hate thy Neighbor and Thyself.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Ultrarightist Spawn

Japanese parents have been proud of their kids attending Moritomo Gakuen schools.

But now it's clear those schools have focused both on national pride and also hate of China & Korea. Unless parents strongly question such ultra-nationalist education, their children will be labeled "ultra-right" throughout their life. Is this fair?

Further lies & extreme administrative & financial manipulations of the parent organization have dirtied everyone concerned.

Parents can rehabilitate their children by coming clean about the Moritomo nationalism scandal.

Surely PM Abe & Defense Minister Inada should at least RESIGN, for the good of Japan. Their acts are shameful.

Far-right corruption ignores accountability. These fools are dangerous - demanding citizen sacrifice but living richly themselves. True Remorse in the days of 大和魂 was expressed through hara-kiri. But these people are punks, チンピラ以下.

Sorry for non-Japanese: weasels in trouble for corruption include Shinzō Abe (Prime Minister of Japan & his wife), Tomomi Inada (Japan's Defense Minister) & Yasunori Kagoike (of Moritomo Gakuen & shadowy Nippon Kaigi). Self-proclaimed Ultranationalists who've deeply damaged Japan.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Party of Two

There's little hope to improve America if waiting for Democratic Party reforms.

The Democratic Party is corrupt.

US systems of federal elected government often are horrible. The professional elite of both parties is at fault.

The Electoral College system is also an outrage, and fundamentally undemocratic.

Imagine the Republican Party is your Boss. Unfortunately, the Democrats are his wife.

Don't wait for the ruling family to help or assist.
They gain by taking from you.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Donald Menace

The Guardian's recent interview with U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (link) details clear dangers of Donald J. Trump as a pathological liar seeking to undermine American democracy.

Sanders explicitly rejects that these complaints & worries are partisan. Sanders cites many political opponents with disagreeable policies who operate within the mainstream of American political values, who believe what they advocate. Sanders warns that Trump, on the other hand, continuously lies.

"He lies in order to undermine the foundations of American democracy."

According to Sen. Sanders, Pres. Trump's intent is imposing "AUTHORITARIANISM - where the President of the United States has extraordinary powers, far more so than our Constitution has provided for or the values of the American people support."

Scary stuff.

President Trump should recognize his own "lazy eye" - 
Amblyopia, fleeting & unrecognized, could be his downfall.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Korea Topples its Tyrant

Park Geun-hye has been removed as President of South Korea.
Good riddance!

Park was a despot. Her "election" was orchestrated by her predecessor's government, the Grand National / Saenuri Party & President Lee Myeong-bak 이명박. Korea's 2012 presidential election was globally infamous for criminal interference, as the government used a team of 70 agents from Korea's National Intelligence Service to spread lies about the opposition candidate and talk up Ms. Park Geun-hye. These Psychological Warfare Division Cyber Warfare Command agents were later assisted by the Seoul Metropolitan Police Office, whose coverup was surmounted by Korea's Supreme Prosecutor's Office. Sounds dirty ?  It was probably worse.

Park is vindictive and anti-democratic. She interfered in the livelihood of thousands of artists and entertainers by reportedly placing them on a blacklisted enemies list (link). Her right-wing government declared the 60,000-member Korean Teachers’ & Education Workers’ Union (KTU) illegal (link), and systematically sought to destroy it.

Who were the strategists forcing the dark Park right-wing regressive agenda?

Park was partly propped-up by her crony Choi Soon-sil (최순실). But Yankee may at least be partly responsible... America's position in Korea requires knowledge of all such dirt.

Is the USA more actively involved? (as with Park's father, General Park Chung-hee, Korea's dictatorial former president). One day we should know more ...

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Silly Progress

Does Richie Rich care?

Your soft organs can feed his hogs ...

American Health Care drops from bad to deadly worse

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

US Accepts Korean Corruption?

Korea's President Park Geun-Hye (박근혜) is tangled in multiple scandals, including both bribery & collusion with Samsung, and improper infiltration of crony Choi Soon-sil (최순실) into Korean national strategy & decisionmaking.

Of course, South Korea is still heavily occupied by US military forces - many tens of thousands of highly-trained American professionals work 24-hrs each day in Seoul & throughout Korea to protect the nation's people.

What did Yankee do when discovering corruption at the peak of Korean politics?

Nothing?  Blackmail ?
Why's nobody asking?

Monday, March 06, 2017

Corrupted Japan ?

Japan's Ministry of Finance reportedly sold land in Osaka to an ultra right-wing organization with close ties to Prime Minister Shinzō Abe & his wife Akie. As the land was sold far below its appraised value, the uncommon deal at first was kept secret (link).

Akie Abe, nicknamed "Akky" was named Honorary President of a planned school that would inculcate Shinto values into the curriculum and student life. At one point the ultranationalist school was to be named for Prime Minister Abe.

Now the sweetheart deal is coming apart. Did serious pollution (buried garbage) create the low price? What was done with the pollutants, and is the site now safe for children? Does Moritomo Gakuen threaten children's health?

[ Land valued at ¥956 million was sold for ¥134 million to the far-right corporation, supposedly because buried garbage reduced the value. And before the land was sold, the government gave ¥131.76 million to Moritomo Gakuen toward decontamination. Something rotten... ]

How much has the "Akheed Scandal" dirtied Japan's government? It appears the tentacles of ultranationalism and Nippon Kaigi have reached deeply into the Ministry of Finance, Osaka Prefecture, and Japan's Board of Audit. But perhaps not -- at least some people feel this case is an unreasonable insider scandal...


There seems unexplained corruption, and criminal misreporting with links to Japan's highest politicians and bureaucracy. How deeply implicated are the right-wing Abe and his Defense Minister Tomomi Inada? Abe's wife Akie already appears dirty. Yasunori Kagoike should testify before the Japanese Diet to explain his activities.Reuters reports that Kagoike is the head of the Osaka branch of Nippon Kaigi; who knows what dirty garbage might emerge from Kagoike's sworn testimony?

Donate to Shinzō Abe Elementary School?  (安倍晋三記念小学校の寄附)

Monday, February 27, 2017

Wag the Trump?

Was it a mixup at tonight's Oscars for the Best Picture prize? Or was it a message to the people of the world that news is often scripted and can be tainted?

Commentators claimed "Nobody could write this script" but it's already wrapped.

The film "Wag the Dog" speaks of how the population of America is manipulated by media. Looking beyond, the election of President Donald J. Trump was more than unexpected. Was he legitimately elected? If not, how many people were enlisted to dupe the nation, and were they Americans?

Would President Trump even know he'd been installed via deceit? Better he didn't know...

Monday, February 20, 2017

What's a moldova?

Almost half-million people have watched this 'humor' video about Moldova:

Yes, it is ridiculous.
Yes, it is insulting.

But dozens of other nations have made similar videos, and behind the jokes, it actually teaches a lot about Moldova (facts the typical person wouldn't know, and probably never otherwise hear about).

Hundreds-of-thousands of people spent 4+ minutes watching this presentation. Maybe as a marketing tool, humor & sarcasm are second to none...

I've visited Moldova for business four times, and as a member of the Swedish-Moldovan International Association I must tell you Moldova is Great in many ways. But it's too often unknown & forgotten...

"Don't believe marketing is about what you want to say. Craft something other people – the people you're trying to reach – want to listen to, read, interact with... To be interesting today: Earn people's time.  If you haven’t made that commitment you're just talking to yourself in public... who's going to make time to listen to that?"  (Mark Di Somma)

Dos Equis Beer, "Most Interesting Man" marketing campaign created a fictional celebrity endorser (and fabulously boasting about him). Most ads end with the most interesting man dressed in a tuxedo surrounded by beautiful women, at which point he says, "I don't always drink beer, but when I do I prefer Dos Equis." For a beer spokesman to admit he doesn't always drink beer, does not seem like the smartest marketing campaign decision, but the numbers have proven its worth. People want to be seen as interesting.  (Jaci Russo)

Ads can be funny to better sell the brand -- "designed to create a longing in someone who wants to be as interesting as the ads' leading man and brand spokesperson." Emotional connection: [My Nation & I are nearly as cool as America & Trump]  (Sage Marketing Group)

More nasty videos mocking the America First movement:

Please remember, FIRST to create such a video was the Netherlands:
It's Great. Fantastic.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ultra-Nationalist Japan

Some people celebrate when rabid leaders pledge to cleanse their country of foreign scum.

But racism and hate ultimately are costly & hurtful to us all.

Japan has allowed the ultra-right to flourish. In part, Japan's rightists were protected by America during the 1950s and 60s, claiming to be anti-Communist.

Now, organizations such as Nippon Kaigi 日本会議 are vigorous (link), reaching to the pinnacle of the political world. Reportedly 15 of 19 ministers, and 289 of the 480 National Diet members, are Nippon Kaigi as of 10/2014. Maybe forging sweetheart deals with Japan's Ministry of Finance?

Moritomo Gakuen 森友学園 and 瑞穂の國記念小學院 are frightening!

Kids must memorize the prewar Imperial Rescript on Education 「教育勅語」

But the waste & destruction of WWII are easily remembered in Japan, and many (probably most) people are unsupportive of right-wing extremists.

Thankfully, abusiveness is monitored & sometimes reported upon, such as sex scandals:

Dietmember Yoshitaka Shindō 新藤義孝
(English summary here)

After a funeral, lawmaker Yoshitaka Shindō 新藤義孝 reportedly goes whoring

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Theft of the Sacred

Property and community of Hawai'i's indigenous people are threatened by development of sacred Mauna Kea. Similarly, construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline by Energy Transfer Partners is being forced upon native communities, uprooting their environment.

On Mauna Kea, should cars and vehicles be allowed at the summit?

Early maneuvering by pro-development forces sought to stifle resistance through arrests claiming protestors blocked traffic.

Scientific activities have already harmed Mauna Kea. "The cumulative impacts of certain resources of past and existing development in the astronomy precinct have already been substantial, significant and adverse." (written testimony by James T.Hayes to BLNR Contested Case Hearing, Thirty Meter Telescope, p.34; link, video 3:08:15)

Worse, this person with primary responsibility for the Environmental Impact Study on Mauna Kea by the TMT, James T. Hayes, cites the existence of the road around Mauna Kea's summit as the key factor the proposed Northern Plateau site is no longer a pristine area -- see Dexter Kaimana cross-examining James T. Hayes, link, at 3:12:48

When people can tour through special places in their own messy vehicle, chugging slurpee, listening to sports or talk radio, eating a burger, they too easily overlook the fact they are guests within an honored & exceptional place.

We too often give precedence to motor vehicles.

Ban cars from upper Mauna Kea. Heavily tax every allowed vehicle, with revenues to Native Hawaiian programs.

Political Scum?

Americans who've been shaken awake by the first weeks of Donald J. Trump's presidency are surely partly to blame for wider national crises.

America's many troubles have grown up under the carelessness of both Democrat & Republican lawmakers, "public servants" who serve themselves and their funders before anything trickles down to the masses.

Nancy Pelosi and her husband are not people I admire. The Republican leadership is no better. It seems clear to me the people Hilary Clinton most wished to help were wealthy financiers. Fatcats threatening hellfire to the insufficiently Christian?    -- No Thank You.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

All For Profit

Moves by the new U.S. Federal Administration to deify profit & aggrandize market economics are dangerous. The powerful who now control resources will gain more. The great majority will lose everything valuable (which now is not much). Social Darwinism is unsustainable!

All government operations are being reinterpreted as potential business opportunities. Troublesome information is being hidden, data gathering discontinued, and regulations dismantled in areas such as conservation and human services.

So sad.

How Dirty is the FBI?

For many or most in my generation, the FBI was admirable. They upheld the law without falling into the squabbles, nepotism and petty politics of local sheriffs and police departments. The "G Man" was highly-trained and above corruption. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover reportedly was highly concerned with the Bureau's reputation, even interviewing and organizing training for Efrem Zimbalist Jr. for his TV role depicting the FBI.

For Boston & New England people, the saga of James "Whitey" Bulger and his brother Billy dirtied the FBI's reputation. Whitey was collaborating with the Bureau even as he murdered people, and FBI agent John Joseph Connolly, Jr. provided the tip-off allowing Whitey to escape justice in late 1994.

Subsequently, Bulger was highlighted as America's "Most Wanted" by the FBI for awhile, but it became clearer his insider knowledge of important people's dirt may have led to him being "America's least wanted."

We common folk will never know the full truth. Yet there remain troubling points:

1) Was Mr. Bulger truly captured? If so, where's Whitey now?
We're told this infamous criminal is safely locked-up (in US Federal Penitentiary Coleman II, Florida). But is he really there? Whitey & the Feds did bad shit together. The government should supply periodic photos & updates of his alleged incarceration.

2) Whitey was on the run for 16+ years; thousands of tips & leads were supposedly tracked, and the FBI offered a US$2 million reward for Bulger's capture. In 2008, Keith Messina reported seeing Whitey in Santa Monica, California. Three years later, a more precise tip by an Icelandic woman led the FBI to the doorstep of Bulger & his fugitive girlfriend. Perhaps the FBI could easily disregard domestically-generated tips, but an Icelandic TV crew finding Bulger would surely be a black-eye to the Bureau -- they needed to act. The Icelandic tipster was paid her reward, but her name and personal details were leaked to media & publicized. Nasty take-away lesson: collaborating with the FBI is very dangerous! Surely policing is more effective when working together with the public. Government promises of confidentiality must be enforced.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

U.S. Senate Confirmed

During the Senate confirmation hearing for a new U.S. Attorney General, the senior Senator for Massachusetts, Vice Chair of the chamber's Democratic Caucus, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, was officially rebuked by the Republican majority. The measure barred Warren from speaking further during Sessions' nomination hearing.

Warren was slapped-down for questioning past motives & conduct of a Senate colleague, Jeff Sessions from Alabama.

Ultimately, this confirms the U.S. Senate is doing a poor job. The Senate is entrusted with offering advice, and must consent to the appointment of key nominations. For the national interest, the confirmation process is not meant to be a whitewash, and should allow debate. It seems ridiculous when historical documentation and negative background of potential Cabinet appointments cannot be mentioned.

Regardless of the fitness of Sen. Sessions to become U.S. Attorney General, this incident was a black-eye for the U.S. Senate and underlines the shoddy tenure of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

We Know Things Are Bad...

It's 40+ years since the (link) 1976 film Network ...

We carry-on as string puppets controlled via media.
Parasitic corporate interests suppress community & suck dry the output of each modest life.

Did YOU get free public money from the bipartisan Bush/Obama bailout? If not, you're simple normal social scum -- a badly connected outsider. Deplorable.

USA = 99% Deplorable

 ... enjoy this audio clip ( link )

Who Won?

This posting will evolve, but the key concept is wondering:
Who won the 2016 Presidential Election?

First, it seems (somewhat) clear Hilary Clinton LOST -- while the Democratic National Committee was LOST from long ago

My Question is not the choice of A or B, but rather X
 - did Russia interfere & actively intervene?
 - is Trump working for Russia?
 - why did / (does?) Trump want the job of President?
 - why was there no recount in the key states where requested?
 - is American DEMOCRACY an illusion?

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Selling a Pollution Pit

Entergy is the fat corporation owning Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They've sucked revenues from the nuclear reactor, but have no proper plan for dealing with the dirty aftermath.

Now they suggest selling the aging plant to another (newly formed) corporation.

Some support the sale. Former Massachusetts State Sen. Daniel Wolf (D) is quoted as calling the potential transaction "really exciting news." (link)


A similar process is happening at the Vermont Yankee Nuclear plant. There's no reasonable vision for optimism. Entergy would exploit profitable decommissioning, if there were such a thing. They instead plan to wash their hands by passing the muck to a newly-formed shell corporation.

This new firm may perform correctly, but tens of millions, maybe billions of dollars urge them to default, defect, and pass most costs to the public.

Don't let Entergy off the hook for their obligations.

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Cruelly Corporatist Korea

Gangjeong Village is among the furthest points from Seoul as exist in South Korea. Some 480 km from Seoul and far from mainland troubles, Gangjeong sits on beautiful Jeju Island's southern coast. Threats to develop the region were first put aside through legislation and edict. (link) The coastal area was designated a Cultural Protection Zone by the South Korean government in 2000 and 2004. In 2002 South Korea's Ministry of Land defined the region a Marine Ecosystem Conservation Area, and that same year it also became a UNESCO Biosphere Conservation Area. In 2006, the government of Jeju Island named the Gangjeong Village zone a Marine Provincial Park, and the central government's Ministry of Environment designated it an "Ecological Excellent Village"; in 2007, the Jeju Island government identified it as an Absolute Retention Coastal Area; and in 2008, the Ministry of Environment designated it a Natural Park.

Then, against the wishes of the local people, distant militarists decided to develop the area as a strategic naval base. Both the Korean Government in distant Seoul and the U.S. Government in Washington D.C. pushed to reclassify the area for development, overturning all objections. Jeju Naval Base (제주 해군기지) is now operational.

But serious struggles continue (link). Many local people and their supporters were arrested & fined. Worse, because construction was slower than expected due to local opposition, the large private-sector chaebol construction companies demanded compensation for the delays, Seoul's right-wing government is forcing the local villagers to pay these costs (link).

In other words, refusing to quickly stand aside when government tries bulldozing your neighborhood will lead to bankruptcy. Forcing the local population to pay restitution & indemnity is horrible -- closer to fascism than a democratic process. Shame on Korea's politicians!

Artist Carlos Latuff (Brazil) supports Jeju villagers against the menacing naval base

Unfortunate blowback from a global imperialist alliance is deployment of foreign military forces in places otherwise peaceful, thus distressing the local population. Korea, Japan and Hawai'i are in a feudal relationship with Washington D.C., forced to accept American military installations into such places as Jeju's Gangjeon coastline, Okinawa's Yanbaru forest, and O'ahu's delicate Mokapu Peninsula. Tough.