Native Hawaiian people have been marginalized in their own nation since 1893 -- backed by the U.S. military, intruders stole Hawaiian lands and systematically forced local people to believe our lāhui is dead.
Peaceful coexistence is achievable; but violence and war are also
possible. Forces repressing Hawaiians grow more strident &
incautious. They've drunk their own
Hawaiian Punch, and believe Hawaiian
disagreements and our wonderful sense of "chill" & shaka typify
a disorganized, passive and disinterested people.
Now we've new tools for peaceful organization, and new abilities to identify dangerous parasites.
Building Native Hawaiian self-government is a tough process: most of us openly operate in occupied territory, maintaining our
globally-famous ALOHA.
Newcomers to Hawai'i often come to feel a gap -- where they don't belong. Sadly, that's a
place of pain where Hawaiians have been beaten-down, uprooted & supplanted;
when inclusiveness is abused as weakness. There is great untouched beauty throughout Hawai'i, and
space to share: but
you've taken & occupied our living room. Visitors becoming neighbors is welcome -- just
do not trample your Babylon shoes on the toes and bones of my Tutu & family. Please migrate elsewhere if you will not respect our elders and predecessors with courtesy!
We must be alert & watchful (maka'ala) for imported weasels & destructive rats. Being watchful is easier with internet communication tools, but we must develop expertise to counteract professional agitators such as
Andrew Walden - Hawaii Free Press, a troublemaker actively seeking to erase indigenous rights and
edit-out Hawaiians from our islands. He pushes into our Hawaiian kitchen and invites the world to
our table as if it were his own. Cheeky con artist!
Native Hawaiian people do not celebrate the violence, treachery and
illegality that introduced American occupation and theft of our native
lands. Many people came to Hawai'i under protection of the occupying power. Most are peaceful and (in my private opinion) most are welcome. Outspoken opponents of local culture and our Native Hawaiian inheritance threaten peaceful life - and put everybody at risk.
It is hard
work to maintain PEACE
Fools are playing at the volcano's edge.