Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Carl Bildt Fails

Carl Bildt, Sweden's outgoing Foreign Minister, was reportedly behind efforts to bully the Swedish Right Livelihood Award foundation for choosing to award the 2014 prize to Edward Snowden. The prize announcement, traditionally held at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in central Stockholm, was hurriedly banned. National broadcaster SVT was uncommonly blunt to report criticism of Bildt's interference (link; although this report itself has been toned down & edited subsequent to first publication, dropping mention of unattributed comments by Bildt's colleagues).

Yet not all Swedes are butt-buddies of the USA and keen on secretive government.

Snowden, the American whistle-blower who exposed global mass surveillance, is joint honorary laureate with Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian. Edward Snowden will hopefully accept his prize this December in Sweden's Parliament.

Right Livelihood Award Laureates (link) have often been under personal threat. Many patriotically call attention to illegal operations by rogue elements in their own government. Bildt & company's censorship tactics would seem to give Sweden a black eye, but it shows we must struggle to maintain independence & transparency. Surely many Swedes don't grovel  & submit to the USA's New World Order like Carl Bildt.

Karzai Kicks

Hamid Karzai, outgoing President of Afghanistan, declared after 13 years he was done pimping for American military interests in Afghanistan and the wider region: "This is not our war - it is a foreigners' war."

US Ambassador James B. Cunningham proclaimed Karzai "ungracious and ungrateful"...

Yankee highrollers feel their own dog's bitten them. But Karzai is surely correct to warn his successors. "My advice to the next government is to be very careful with America and the West..." 

Bravo Hamid Karzai !

America's held hostage by militarists (as is Afghanistan). Industrialists and their parasites keep America permanently at war. Unnecessary, brutal, costly, and foolish, every American becomes a target of those who survive our repeated tramplings. The US Government has no proper business with distant tribal disputes, and should leave local people to find their own solutions. We're told repeatedly - Get Out ! Yankee Go Home. Let's stop the madness and bring our armies home. We should fully withdraw from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and other killing fields.

Cosigned by Me?

The secret militarism of the USA and allied governments involves us all. We don't know the goings on, but it's done in our name.

We pay for these adventures - not only financially.

We're not really "innocents" when we connive to allow warmaking & massacres. We cosign the checks buying bombs and bullets, bribing foreign officials, and undermining societies overseas.

"Outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai will step down next week after a 13-year reign that has seen only limited improvements in infrastructure, health, education and women's rights despite billions of dollars of aid."
"This is not our war, it is a foreigners' war - it is based on their goals," Karzai told government officials as he bid them goodbye at the presidential palace in Kabul on Tuesday." (see related BBC link here)

We bad. ...sure to get hurt again & again.

The dirty, crazed & unwelcome Bull in a china shop, America's wars should stop - now. Bring the troops home!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Democracy may make a majority of voters satisfied or excited.

Many are thrilled at election results, only to be soon frustrated.  "Voturd" is to be disrespected and treated like shit by elected winners soon after a vote. Voturd is recognizing the people you elected are lying sacks of dung.

Voturd - Special this week in Scotland, Sweden & Afghanistan.

Smeared with voturd? A stinking voturd?

People must eat voturd?

Monday, September 22, 2014

Run Rocky Run

Three military officers from Afghanistan disappeared from "cooperative training exercises" on Cape Cod. They'd spent the day shopping at the Cape Cod Mall, and failed to report for duty at Joint Base Cape Cod, under U.S. Central Command, as expected.

Now they could be anywhere in America. Perhaps they're trying to apprehend a dangerous individual.

Or perhaps they're eating pancakes somewhere, happy to avoid the long lonely return flight to a dusty battlefield. Their pitifully besieged nation is now a doormat for Uncle Sam. Scraping shit from boots is rough to handle for a once-proud people...

Friday, September 19, 2014

Babylon Beware

Militaristic colonial powers, led by the USA, UK & France, once again battle in Babylon.

Our bombing & killing will accomplish nothing in this 6000-year-old killing ground. The area now Iraq and Syria is like quicksand: disagreements abound; foresaken armies, mired in dust, die on the trail of past invaders. We've no place there.

Bring our armies home.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Democracy Sweden

The people of Sweden have gone to the polls & voted for leadership. Turnout was 85.8%

Details can be seen here in English:

A new government is likely. This is good because mass surveillance and lack of transparency were characteristics of the old government, with secret entanglements to foreign intelligence services & militaristic business interests. We might hope our new bosses quickly learn what's been happening.

It's probably too much to hope spying & surveillance will stop, but at least more people will know the extent of Sweden's secret entanglements...

Militarism is dirty business - let's have much less of it.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Baby scotland?

Why's scotland continual junior "partner" ?

Why's government so rigidly in England?

Would the redcoats switch overall administration each 10 years between London & Edinburgh?

Scuzzy big money media won't supply truth.
Vote your heart. Vote for your children's future:

Free Scotland.
Vote Yes

'Scotland' is a brand of little bitty dog back in Texas ...

See the Moon, only $10

Our societies are dangerously mercantilist. When profit motive underlies most interaction, our humanity suffers.

Sure we need tools for living that cost money. But social leadership can & should limit annoyances. Persistent & repeated marketing calls; beggars camped on every main street; tricks & scams of puffery and advertising and spam; the public needs protections -- but monied interests never cease huckstering. Nothing is sacred. Try buying quiet: all the world's For Sale

• Expect Generosity and exemplify civility

• Constrain Commercialism

• Don't Vote Huckster.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Scotland Corgi

Scotland can soon choose freedom, or continue as lapdog of bigger interests. The Queen keeps her dogs; others keep a donkey in their garden. Too often & for too long, English nobs kept a Scot as bootblack and butler, kept at the edges of the country estate as a beater for the hunt.

Ayeland - vote YES

We can't fully know what will happen, but the bosses are irritated. MegaMedia Corp. paints images of danger. But generations of English dominance haven't stripped-away the pioneering spirit. Scotland as junior partner? No thank you Mum.

Brit politicos love the Treaty of Union while government resides rigidly in London; are they willing from 2020 to switch overall administration between London & Edinburgh every 10 years?

Scotland can afford independence. It's now a colony.

Scotland the Brave

vote YES

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rösta för skolan

The Alliance rules Sweden with an iron fist, encouraged by secret agencies of the US government. In eight years they've done nothing positive for Sweden's schools. Jackshit.Now they pretend to care?

School rust & decline is due to the Moderates, Kristdemokraterna, Center & Folkpartiet, who focus on dealmaking among their own elite. Professed care for schooling is fake & soon abandoned. They've immersed schools in the political process. School owners withdraw government-supplied funds as profits, and do so now when threatened. The kids are simple poker chips.

Good teachers now have impossible jobs.

Rusted Swedish schools only exist because of an uncaring & profit-hungry political Alliance. Don't be deceived by SPAM messages & sudden smiling politico posters. Our ruling class will suck you dry. Modest savings = honey to such parasites. We've a gamble.loving Alliance fueled only by Wealth. With rot hastily painted-over, they push advertising at us: professional politicians boldly insist (after eight years of free lunches) they now ready to work.

Folkpartiet especially is a zombie, diseased & dangerous to all. They're already an eight-year illness afflicting Sweden's children ...
( reproduce images freely! )

Sweden Needs New Leaders

Look at the smiling blank faces of most politicians - especially the ruling mercantilist Alliance.

Creepy. Their claims are empty - pushing us SPAM.

Aggressive Salespeople dressed as sheep --- Press DELETE

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Benchmarking Sweden

Election season in Sweden brought out a wide range of promise posters. Unfortunately after eight years in power for the ruling coalition (Moderates, Kristdemokraterna, Center & Folkpartiet) many voters will question bold political promises by Alliance weasels.

"From now we will do this." Maybe... Why not in the last eight years?

Folkpartiet seems the biggest pack of liars - suddenly "strong for education" when their present policies have created the money-grubbing struggling school system...

I'd like to see a major expansion of non-partisan benchmarking studies by government. Surely many of the lessons of Norway, Denmark and Finland are useful to Sweden, as well as systems and experiments in other parts of Europe and elsewhere.

We need data & reliable studies backing policy. Moderaterna are like smiling salespeople - nice, but citizens shouldn't forget they work for their own profit and will stretch truth to make a sale. We need facts and more transparency.

Instead of struggling after shrinking budgets, survey & evaluation activities should be greatly expanded at Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management). Hire hundreds more analysts, preferably including many "new Swedes" with overseas training and experience, and on a project basis fund dozens more studies by external researchers. Publish these analyses online in English to be useful as well for other nations.

Japan developed a great system of Special Zones for Structural Reform (構造改革特区) allowing local areas and small-scale citizen groups to test new ideas & initiatives under careful evaluation. If successful, wider national implementation could follow.

Sweden has many such possibilities for deregulation. A simple example is cellar-door wine & liqueur sales by local producers. Finland has instituted such a system; at what cost & with what benefits? Such experiments promise to boost local & regional tourism, but with monitoring and a proper benchmarking study we could & should know specific details, instead of politicized half-truths and rumors.

Statskontoret should be renamed, revamped & better funded.
"Public management" and public administration are now nasty words to laissez-faire capitalists. "Swedish Agency for Policy Analysis" is a better name. Sweden can usefully build its reputation as an analytic & scientific nation.

Monday, September 08, 2014

Influencing US Think Tanks?

But what of Israel?
Why is Israel so little mentioned in the article and accompanying documents? Is the State of Israel missing an important opportunity for influencing opinion in the USA? In the midst of anti-Semitism, terrorism, investment divestment, boycott movements, etc., surely Zionist interests would support positive and friendly analyses.

Don't disregard Israel.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Sweden's Beggar Ombudsman

Important elections in Sweden this month may sweep the present US-leaning government from power.

Bravo. The Alliance centre-right coalition (Moderate Party, Centre Party, Folkpartiet (Liberal Party) and  Christian Democrats) has brought about mixed results, but after eight years in power their new election season promises now seem empty.

One area of poor performance:

Beggars - Sweden now has thousands more beggars than when "Moderaterna" took power. In Stockholm pitiful beggars have settled-down on the pavement outside virtually all the big shops and supermarkets. Our leadership has done virtually nothing about this; it becomes more of a problem with homeless beggars camping in parks and shitting among the bushes. I don't believe it's proper to allow unrestricted use of public spaces for camping and fundraising. Impoverished people can enroll in assistance programs. A dynamic society should plan how to assist the weak.

Begging is a type of fundraising open to abuse; these conditions need monitoring. Is there a Beggar Ombudsman? Many local people are concerned for beggar welfare, but we need not allow such people to take over our passageways without restriction. Surely we can require enrollment, and also impose controls.  
Some may object that many beggars are not local people. If poor people are coming to Sweden for begging, our response (or lack of response) is all the more important. Apparently the present government has done little or nothing. 

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Ayeland the Brave

Scotland Independence

Bound No More to London (& secretly to Washington)

Vote Yes for Independence

Ayeland the Brave image free to use for freedom !                            

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Radiation Enema

It's Bad News when the nuclear energy industry builds near your home.

PR on job creation & economic benefit is garbage. Visit Fukushima and judge for yourself - hurriedly evacuated dead zone, a leaky poisoned waterfront: a running gash of failed technology polluting mobile marine life and all the ocean.

Regardless of nuclear reactor safety, the commercial nuclear industry irresponsibly continues to store their nuclear waste in close proximity to their nuclear furnaces. Now the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has decreed that even in cases of nuclear reactor shutdown, local-based nuclear waste dumps can continue same-site for 160 years. Unbelievable.

Industry calls this radioactive waste "spent fuel" - but it's deadly poison for centuries. There is no federal repository for these poisons; there's no consensus on providing truly safe systems. Anyone should know to keep a volatile dump far away from the generating furnaces, and keep it all far away from the seaside, far from public water systems, and far from population centers to minimize airborne pollution dangers. These basic points are typically ignored.

Profit-seeking corporations are a disastrous management formula, and cannot guarantee safety.

People in nuclear neighborhoods and districts either live in great fear, or they live in denial. The businessmen running the nuclear plants can simply declare corporate insolvency and skulk away (the executives don't live nearby)...

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Renegotiated Union

What will happen when USA states begin seriously considering costs & benefits of union? Many local regions might do a better job with education, criminality, health care, immigration, defense, economics, etc. than Congress can capably provide, even when not deadlocked. Is the only choice to accept US Federal mandates?

Might states, regions, or sub-regions renegotiate their membership in the federal union?

The Federal budget is unaffordable.

The US central government gave private industry insiders huge monies via the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Not all lawmakers supported those "bailouts" + subsidies. The economy still has not recovered (not surprising - those who caused the crisis kept their jobs through the bailout).

Obama's government has done little to change a foul rot in Washington. Global empire bankrupted and targeted America.

There are dozens (or hundreds, or millions) of reasons people might wish to renegotiate the US federal union. Best consider arguments now for a revised USA. California may divide into six states (ballot initiative upcoming). Others seek to secede completely from the USA (see link to petitions throughout the nation). No doubt our overweight nation needs better care - many stars now shine dimly, or are partly obscured.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Geronimo Bin Laden

Geronimo, Pocahontas, Che Guevara, Malcolm X, Bin Laden ...
America's vanquished enemies.

Resist US military occupation, prepare to be hunted & killed. Our righteous leaders repeat the warning again & again & again.

But our military has no proper business in far-flung places. Shut-down the colonial outposts which cost too much money & blood. Build society on sustainable, humane & progressive domestic foundations. Bring our troops home !

Funny Pigs

Friday, August 22, 2014

White House Deception

We're often deliberately fed half-truths and lies to deceive us. Remember the dramatic White House photo used to illustrate the killing of Bin Laden?


Pete Souza's photo remains incorrectly labeled (in Aug. 2014), after being reproduced dramatically around the world & criticized as posed. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looks especially tense, providing the "emotionally resonant punctum" (New York Times). Some of the flim-flam later unraveled. (Clinton claimed she was stifling an allergic cough). We may never know what all are actually watching...

What can we believe? Not much. A struggling American journalist is cruelly murdered in Syria? Does it justify the USA beginning a new war in Iraq? Did militarist spinmeisters believe a dramatic event would grease their operations? Ongoing contact with the captors now report (link) the murderers sought ransom money. And a failed rescue attempted last month killed people near where the captives had been held. Who could ever imagine what such crazies would do if double-dared & insulted: "You don't dare kill an American! Fucking pansies! Candy-ass camel jockeys!"  Ooops - say our militarists.
Who profits now?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Not Good Neigh

Who's now in prison for the European adulterated horsemeat scandal uncovered early 2013?  (link) How many millions of euro in fines have been paid?

Surely not enough was done as penalty. Spanghero? Findus? ICA? The "own label" producers traded trust for quick profits & should be fined heavily. They're more than ignorant retailers - with their logo and name on the box they share guilt. Super cheap raw materials - too good to be true - discarded veterinary critters? Stray dogs & cats? Food suppliers can't be trusted!

Of course, if the now-secret Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP is implemented, such adulterated European meats will also flow to America; we in Europe will be exposed when the US food supply becomes tainted through mislabeling or fraud. American food fraud is huge: seafood, honey and cooking oils are often (or reportedly more often than not) deliberately adulterated or mislabeled. Efforts to publicize food scams, such as via a "Food Fraud Database" - don't yet deliver easily understandable information. The US Food & Drug Administration, FDA operates with minimal budget to protect consumer food supplies, but some products (beef, chicken, eggs, etc.) are policed by the US Department of Agriculture, USDA. We're lucky if fraud's uncovered - the regulating & inspection agencies are grossly understaffed.

Part of the deterrent is to publicize the crime, consequences and penalties.

Dutch wholesaler Willy Selten may have sold as much as 50,000 tons of adulterated meat (link). Spanghero changed its name to "La Lauragaise" and reportedly is back in business. Other adulteration schemes no doubt operate now. This huge scam was more than a bit of bother. Without penalties? All quickly forgotten by consumer sheeple...
Must we eat shit or worse...   Mortuary meats?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hillary's Hard Choice?

Hillary Clinton had one key "Hard Choice" - give up her Presidency efforts, or continue kissing the fat ass of Israeli politician Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mrs. Clinton proved she'll overlook troublesome details - systematic human rights abuses by the Israeli IDF, ethnic cleansing & genocide of the Palestinians are nothing compared to her personal quest. Hillary now works for the future of expansionary Zionism. She abandoned her own nation's interests for 30 silver shekels and a few fundraising dinners...

Thursday, August 07, 2014


We are the Death Squad folk.

Far too many corrupt governments owe their existence to right-wing extremists from the USA. The assholes who rule over us.

People fought their own government for freedom, getting rid of dictatorship only at great human cost. But the poisonous spider of militarism lived on in the USA.

Kissinger instructs his Argentine puppet Videla
Chilean dictator Pinochet and his Naziesque henchmen
Far too often weasels from the USA install repressive authoritarian regimes. Doomed to fail, they cause death & destruction. Militarism enslaves. But slaves fight back against repressive opportunists & oppressors.

General Sisi, now US-backed Egyptian Pharaoh & President

Monday, August 04, 2014

Perverted Weather

Gaza Goals

Israeli government goals in the present Gaza violence are simple: making Gaza uninhabitable for Israel's enemies.

Unfortunately the government of PM Benjamin Netanyahu sees all non-Israelis (and his substantial Israeli opposition) as enemies.

Netanyahu and malformed sidekick Avigdor Lieberman are right-wing zealots trying to make Gaza uninhabitable. The people of Gaza who survive this punishment should wish to go away. Gaza will be a beachfront awarded to Israeli settlers.

God-Given Goal in Gaza = Ethnic Cleansing .

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Human Waste

Too many people are underemployed. A healthy society cannot have large segments of its population without jobs or prospects.

Entertainment and the internet have thus far kept enough people engaged with something such that they don't RIOT.

But I fear the quiet is unsustainable. The rich and the workers are taught to strive forward, with little care for others. In America, you ultimately work for yourself. But who can put together policies that will depressurize our communities, or help each turn the corner toward a future prosperity?

The Republicans label public servants & teachers - parasites.

So short-sighted!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Incompetent Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy in Japan is often past the point of foolishness - it is senseless & harmful.

Obedient bureaucrats are convinced if properly filling-in every box and recording each detail, they're doing a good job. But that process wastes huge amounts of time & energy with often no gain, and easily interferes with more important goals. The stubborn administrator looks at his or her small patch of "responsibility" and calmly watches society burn.

My lamented mentor, the late Prof. Hideo Sato (佐藤英夫先生), often criticized Japan's bureaucracy in very negative ways. I'd believed then he overstated the problem. But now I wholly agree - and it's perhaps even worse these days as administrative systems are more rigid & ossified, and auditing more necessary.

Bureaucrats themselves are often nice people in a foolish situation, where a single largely irrelevant data point takes precedence over everything - no progress till corrected. There's no proportionality. Incompetence to a bureaucrat is "failure to collect all the paperwork"... When temporarily overruled so operations continue, the bureaucrat can be a distracting, haunting presence -- until page 7 question 66:d is properly dealt with. People should be better employed.

There are many ways to lampoon the bureaucrats, but it's better to warn policymakers of major potential problems with program implementation when fuck-headed idiots become the nation's guardians & gatekeepers.

(Personally I've not had any real problems, just foolishly wasted time. But the total of such foolishness must be multiplied by the 130 million Japanese sheeple = serious waste. Japan's bureaucracy is a parasite feeding off productivity & progress).

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Politico Fails

Too many top politicians prove useless bags of shit. Perhaps starting with a few good ideas or a great policy proposal, they then ride that nag for decades. Worse than doing little or nothing, they contribute to deceit, social deterioration, and brutality.

Often these worst disappointments have demonstrated promise.

Barack Obama - I still believe he wanted to do good. He's joined The Dark Side, to impose imperial power through the universe. Like Darth Vader, he serves a master - Greed. President Obama now predicts the commands of rich businessmen, obeying before being told. 

Nick Clegg - claims he's liberal & democratic, but now only in comparison to the many right-wing friends he chummily dines with everyday. Solidly moved the UK away from fairness - supported huge tuition fees greatly favoring wealth & power (after repeatedly pledging to abolish fees); similarly gave-up on substantive House of Lords reforms. Still young & ambitious, however - maybe he'd do something positive to gain a better post.

Fredrik Reinfeldt - is a burikko (a Japanese phrase to feign cuteness). Sweden's Prime Minister does three things: strives to impose US influence on Sweden & neighbor nations, polishes his bald head, and makes-up his eyes to max cuteness. A clever person who's visualized his next move, he could still surprise with a progressive effort, trying to win-over those he's till now overlooked.