Monday, June 23, 2014

Sisi The Assassin

Egyptian ruler Abdel Fitta el-Sisi, "King Crook of Cairo" is dubbed "Sisi The Assassin" for butchering thousands of his countrymen as he wrestled control from the democratically-elected government. Sisi is a brutal dwarf punk under foreign control; his legacy will be decades of violence and murder among the peace-loving Egyptian people.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Big Banks Blackmail US

There is far too much mechanical speculation in our financial system. It's an area ripe for taxation - in part because when speculators lose big, they shelter from creditors via political interventions (as in the 2008 bailout).

Unfortunately, big finance has too many politicos on their payroll. Efforts to impose a modest financial transactions tax have been cruelly stifled.

Now big finance hopes to impose the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) around the world, without public debate. We should never be bound by a secret treaty created by industry and unaccountable officials, perhaps well-meaning but likely corrupt. This horrible treaty seeks to hobble us, serving the financial sector in dozens of ways, while putting the industry beyond regulation, and leaving no ability to renegotiate a new world order. Disgusting!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Redskin Fight

Plastic Hillary

Hillary Clinton has been at the pinnacle of the crony power elite for more than 20 years. In that long time, she ain't done shit. No - let me rephrase - she's been worse than useless. She's conducted the decline of America, and led us into the cul-de-sac of senseless militarism. If elected President, it'll be surely worse...

Read of her artifice & deceit (by Ralph Nader; click for link)

Black rat, Brown rat, Lady rat
... No matter ...
Sell-Out for chunks of cheese

Monday, June 16, 2014

Anti-Zionist African Babies?

Why should a malnourished child in Burundi, Africa, hate fatties Avigdor Lieberman & Bibi Netanyahu? Can men & women who selflessly work for gender equality suddenly become anti-Semitic?

Yes. Because American politicians always bow down and kiss the fat arse of Israel's Zionist extremists. When UNESCO allowed Palestinian representation, the USA along with Israel stopped paying UNESCO dues. It's now three years (under the "progressive" regime of Barack Obama), and the USA is many hundreds of millions of dollars in arrears. These would be funds for the poorest of the poor, assisting people in horrible difficulties.

Military and assorted other growing aid from the USA continues to flow to wealthy Israel -- billions of Yankee dollars, a tribute to one vocal minority whose suffering supposedly justifies any form of cruelty to other peoples.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cantor's Disgrace

US House Majority Leader Republican Eric Cantor lost his Virginia primary election to an underfunded, little known opponent. Republican Party spin-Meisters seek to pin the loss on a single issue - they're partly right: that issue is that Eric Cantor is worse than a pile of shit.

Too many people in America are disgusted as the Republican Party do nothing except reward the ultra-rich. The Republican mantra of "Just Say No" to policymaking is easy, and an empty chair costs almost nothing compared to the publicly funded riches Cantor has squirreled away.

Republicans waste our money. But so do professional windbags such as Nancy Pelosi & John Kerry & Hillary Clinton. Rather than reelect such knuckleheads, we'd do better electing a Hello Kitty doll.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Obama-Reinfeldt to Head EU?

The BBC slyly mentions (link) that lame-duck Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt is jockying to be appointed head of the European Commission.

This would be a mistake. The rightist Swedish PM is a slightly better choice than weasely Tony Blair, but either is too clearly Uncle Sam's willing tool. Reinfeldt has provided great service and he need never work again -- it's best he don't.

The European Commission should not be controlled by Obama or other puppet-masters. America has ample reason to undercut European competition and the euro -- they resent any counterbalance to Yankee domination. All rhetoric aide, the militarists hate Europe's newly peaceful coexistence. The EU has also tackled how multinationals abuse consumers, and has provided protections in other ways North American governments have failed to assist their citizenry.

Friday, June 06, 2014

Fishy in Korea

South Korea has a vibrant democracy. But democratic processes are seriously threatened by organized right-wing efforts to stifle & shift opinion.

Korea gave birth to one of the worst, most flagrant, anti-democratic efforts among advanced OECD nations -- when Korea's National Intelligence Service worked officially in late 2013 to create massive internet support for one party and presidential hopeful, and to vilify and smear another presidential candidate. This goes far beyond party politics - it's a stab to the heart of democracy that even partisan supporters should condemn.

Korea's Cyber Warfare Command, Psychological Warfare Division of the National Intelligence Service, have performed shamefully. Even if ordered by higher-ranked officials to comply with such illegal operations, they should have refused. There should be mechanisms and processes to prevent this type of outrage & sabotage: a vibrant & free press, an ombudsman system, protection for whistleblowers, etc. Instead, the press subsequently has been systematically threatened by the President's Office.

Don't believe that Korea lacks passionate and honorable people. There are many such hardworking people throughout Korea. But their nation is undermined by an arrogant and powerful minority. Such people of wealth & power are ultimately responsible for the Sewol ship sinking tragedy by ignoring safety measures, and behind Samsung's poor conditions for their armies of irregular workers. But we share responsibility if purchasing their blood-spattered products or honoring stooge leaders.

More on Korea's Psy-Ops Election Sabotage at:

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Sad Samsung ?

Last week I visited the Samsung Electronics flagship showroom building in Gangnam, South Korea. Inside, it was cool and modern, with many high-tech gadgets and well-displayed top-line Samsung products. There were assorted 'experience' areas where we could enjoy super graphics. The staff was smiling & professional. Last Saturday morning there were very few other visitors.

The building itself was nice from the outside, but marred by being surrounded by police vans -- dozens parked bumper-to-bumper around the block, and hundreds of riot police spookily marching back & forth.

Like low Samsung prices? They come at the expense of the people working on Samsung products.

Samsung uses an army of irregular workers paid substandard wages. Labor is protesting corporate insensitivity. Many stories are pitiful, some have ended in suicide. Samsung management is reportedly highly vindictive, retaliating against activists. More about the worker struggle here (link).

Samsung is famous for demanding a lot from its workers (one Japanese potential new hire told me Samsung required working 13 of 14 days - every other Sunday off). Their products seemed to me overly shiny, but now the shine is dulled knowing Samsung megacorporation cares little for people.

But most giant organizations care nothing for regular folk. Until we citizens agree to reign-in corporate cruelty, welcome to reality: the Hunger Games.

Let's hope Samsung can manage to create a sustainably strong team that supports the aspirations and balanced living of their workers. A truly caring company can win admiration & loyalty from consumers around the world 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

3D American Leadership

The poor performance of the Obama administration began in the reign of his predecessor, Emperor George W. Bush, when America's leadership collaborated to funnel trillions of public dollars to crony private interests in the banking, finance and industrial sectors. Disgusting!

Democrats were hopeful that Obama would institute change, but his reign is most marked by deceit.

Deceptive statements on spying & espionage, along with extrajudicial killing of US citizens, all with no accountability, demonstrate disdain for the American people and disregard for democracy.

Any idea these dipshits are defending us is absurd; they attract vermin & vendetta relating to their innocent victims. The problems stretch beyond incompetence - Bush, Cheney & Rice (for example) are perhaps guilty of war crimes. They themselves should privately fund their own defense.

Edward Snowden stepped forward with important information about "rotten government" - but thousands of government-paid collaborators continue revealing nothing due to confusion or fear. All criticism or feedback highlighting the secret police is suppressed. Dangerous!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


The Anglo-American press smells blood, and has redoubled its trash talking of Europe, the EU, the euro, etc.

Recognize the European Union threatens Anglo-American hegemony. And the militarists hate Europe -- a new model for peace.

Before we bitch about costs and the EU parliament, think about how in the past we've had almost no input about national defense spending. Friendly relations helped cut that spending, and the dividend must include human lives snatched from the talons of militarism.

Most of our own government's activities are out of our hands, much kept top secret, regardless of democracy. We've had no leverage against huge multinational corporations. By minimizing internal borders, the European Union has brought huge savings by cutting bureaucracy. No more visas, getting rousted at 2AM on the train for passport checks and customs inspections. Many people easily commute everyday to work across borders. We're no longer gouged by predatory opportunistic firms in neighbor nations taking advantage of our foreignness - the EU seeks to upgrade and equalize treatment of all people.

Before trashing Europe, think of the alternative: visualize yourself on a battlefield. That's where you'll be dumped by right-wing chauvinism. Learn instead: the politics of hate profit none of us.

(The puppet-masters who do profit ain't us).

"Man Up" Mr. Kerry

John Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State, urges others to "man up" - while he himself peddles shit.

Kerry proved courageous in the Vietnam war, but since then grew fat & distant. He should spend a few months walking around Afghanistan and the Middle East, meeting people harmed by terror (which he himself partly unleashed). He can hitchhike to places complaining of misguided drone attacks, and better understand the problems of those not mega-rich American bluebloods. But of course he'll continue only meeting people vetted, screened and highly disinfected. He started life tough; Kerry's now a pussy.

Of course he'll continue deceiving the dumbest Yanks, but everyone else knows - his words are empty & foolish.  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Insider or Out

Just watched a string of TV show commercials, and saw a remarkable trend.

A lot of shows depict "public servants" - government workers of some sort (LAPD, CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Law & Order) often teamed with a non-conformist civilian (The Mentalist, Fringe). Government police & intel work are depicted attractively, though viewers are forewarned -- excitement has costs (Burn Notice). You must be an insider or you're caste ignorant.

(Needless to say, our "heroes" are not burdened by budget fundraising or much bureaucratic paperwork).

I'd like to write much more, but watch too little TV. Recall Nancy Reagan - Just Say No.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Poisoned Nature

Just reread a BBC article (link here) that looks at Chernobyl's radiation poisoning as a joyful bonanza for the animal world.

Headline: "Wildlife defies Chernobyl radiation" it's apologist rubbish. The author, Stephen Mulvey of BBC News, should take his family for alternate holidays to Chernobyl, Fukushima, and perhaps your local nuclear waste dump soon-to-be-disaster-zone.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bent or Ambitious?

Another bit of news from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where four local-focused radio stations were recently bought by Clear Channel, "the largest owner of radio stations in the country."

Perhaps the new owners will introduce more local components, provide more jobs, or otherwise positively contribute to the communities on Cape Cod. The president of Quantum Communications, the former owner, put the purchase value in the tens of millions of dollars (Cape Cod Times, 16 May).

But what looks like a white knight could instead be an asset-sucking parasite.

When the big banks & financial groups of the USA were financially rescued with public funds, the bailout fundamentally undermined the US system -- it's now clearly crony capitalism.

The world of big business is often counter-intuitive. Lavishly-paid executives purchase first class services for themselves, but harangue staff members to work with less and for less. Clear Channel may be different, but they may be desperate debtors. The Times quotes Billboard magazine noting Clear Channel is $20.5 billion in debt. Should such a group be lecturing anyone on belt tightening? In their fancy suits they're worse than poor, they are mega destitute. But the American Way is now to look the prospect in the eye, smile and rumble onward. Clear Channel surely keeps a "finger in many pies" around the world, advertising, billboards, entertainment, transmission towers ('vertical real estate'), even bicycle sharing or 'mobile advertising' in nearly a dozen European cities. They're now tightly connected to Mitt Romney's old outfit, Bain Capital, which led them into private ownership in 2008.

Don't imagine the companies or individuals mentioned here are involved in any flim flam. But if they were, we couldn't know. The limited liability shell game relies upon the American s̶u̶c̶k̶e̶r̶s̶ people to fuel their party, too often supported by corrupt politicians. Remember the Enron meltdown? NASDAQ Former Chairman Bernard Madoff's wealth management operations? As with American hero Lance Armstrong, it looks pretty good till it shatters or explodes. Good Grief!

Friday, May 09, 2014

Tragedy & Hubris

The recent sinking of the MV Sewol in Korea (세월호침몰사고) was a terrible disaster. Over 260 people drowned unnecessarily. Most of the trapped were young people; some no doubt survived in air pockets for minutes or hours before succumbing in the cold & darkness. 

Korea celebrates her achievements alone, and now perhaps believes this tragedy is hers alone. But we live in a global world - any of us could have been a passenger on the doomed ship. I've myself traveled six times to Jeju (not yet by boat), but also often travel on cruise ships (across the Baltic, around Japan, touring the Adriatic, etc.). Many travelers have faced danger from overloading, poor management, inadequate safety planning, etc. Many around the world pray for those lost & their families, and we hope the lessons of the Sewol tragedy are not soon forgotten.

Part of the problem was poor oversight. It's too easy for this type of accident to occur in Korea's "hurry-hurry" society. Leadership is often untrustworthy. Revealing contempt & distrust of authority some days after the Sewol sinking was a Seoul subway accident on 2nd May (link here). The BBC reported "A witness said many passengers ignored an onboard announcement telling them to stay inside and forced the doors open, escaping on to the tracks." They probably put themselves in added danger, but preferring to act somehow and take care of themselves

Are Koreans so different from the rest of the world? Surely there are many people elsewhere who foolishly trust their leaders. Government transparency and strong regulatory safety are essential elements to continued success. Unfortunate cheating endangers us all. Insensitive corporations often abuse government officials to advance private profits over public health.

Humanity mourns those lost. They could have contributed widely, but...

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Goodbye Internet?

The FCC is presently under the control of Tom Wheeler, a former industry lobbyist. Wheeler's trying to eviscerate & destroy the concept of net neutrality in the USA, hoping to allow content discrimination and censorship by broadband service providers.

These corporations are already ominously powerful. In many regions of the USA, a single company has monopoly provider position. They enjoy protected profits, with privileged access to government.

Already, former FCC chairman Michael Powell serves industry as President & CEO of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (one of Wheeler's old lobbying posts). When Wheeler was to be appointed FCC Chairman, a key industry insider noted (link) "Wheeler undoubtedly will have a light regulatory touch in all matters" -- and that forecast has been all too true. Wheeler's reportedly a nice person in a difficult position. Could anyone expect him to strongly resist Washington's wholly-legal revolving door between lobbyists and policy makers? Thus far his services to industry greatly outweigh any effort at public service.

If corporations dictate what information you can receive, your choices will be far fewer. Allowing businesses & politicians to mess with content is a huge mistake. The internet is a public utility that should not be controlled by political parties or corporations. Surely you'll not be allowed to read non-profit low budget output such as this blog. You can be certain griwdhndn47//#v

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Wasteful Riches

I can sympathize with an argument that creative & productive people should be paid for their efforts, and how society vitally needs such people.

But that ain't all we need. There is far too much waste and underutilization of people and materials because of stockpiled wealth among the mega-rich.

How many millions of people are unemployed?  How many billions of people are under-employed? These are social costs. Richy doesn't care at all...

Sometimes only a few drops of oil are necessary to fix a sticky machine. But fail to lubricate -- and a few small parts can bring the whole factory and system to a halt.

We need living wages. We need social investment.

Less militarism, more humanity.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Vote for the Pimp?

There's reportedly an upswell in Egypt against US/UK-trained  military strongman Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Surely the violence el-Sisi unleashed at Rabaa (14 Aug 2013) was terrible, butchering thousands. CC also demanded the heavy-handed mass death sentences imposed on his many enemies.

Who's pulling el-Sisi's strings? Those powers behind him don't care for Egypt. Surely these harsh cycles of violence and polarization have deeply wounded Egypt with scars to last for decades. The tourist industry is in shambles. The upcoming "election" is a stage-managed joke. Soldier/murderers roam the streets & seek to control all public interaction. Journalists are "detained" for months without bail. The world seems to have abandoned Egyptians to their captors, though there's some hope (link) the continuing repression might be investigated by the International Criminal Court. Common citizens of Egypt try to survive this newly-imported brutality & fear.

Film clips (here) allow a taste of official savagery. Terrible!

A wonderful culture and caring people reduced to tearing at itself...
انتخبوا العرص

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Like a dumb kid prodding at his or her injury, I look again at the U.S. Government.

Certainly there are hundreds of thousands of government employees (including military and intel people and secret police) who faithfully do their jobs. Each is a career worker who cares.

But there are also elected officials who control the lot. Even when not fairly elected, each is sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and serve the nation's people.

How could a shithole like George W. Bush get elected? He'd not have finished high school if not for family leverage.

Maybe he didn't get elected. Someone 'cooked the books' and Bush was appointed. Twice.

Then it was so clear nobody was voting Republican, so Obama was appointed.

The only way 'our democracy' could support the huge fascist apparatus of secret police and torture camps and worldwide militarism is when it ain't democracy at all. Does secretive US spy pharaoh James Clapper support democracy?  It's his enemy !

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Comfort of Loss

A beautiful Spring day - birds chirping, smells of grass & flowers on a soft breeze.

Who wants to think about politics? So dirty, increasingly obscene. Big government crushing people in favor of a small elite. Shameless deception driving nations to senseless wars. Receiving a flag for your fallen family member, or a $211 payoff for loss of a limb, and belatedly understanding it's all a scam.

Economics is no better. Work hard, pay your bills, steadily get ahead? But a speculative bubble suddenly engulfs your home equity. You lose everything, yet you watch big government bailout wealthy bankers and industrialists. Or perhaps your retirement fund depreciated due to 'bad investments' that favored insiders, or maybe corporate reorganization allowed new (lower) pension calculations?

The bottom line? You're fucked. To ask an elected representative for help is an option. But it's as likely to flag your file as a troublemaker as to generate justice. Eat grief - and more misery is coming.

Recognize now - the domestic war already began; your side lost. Reason, justice, fairness, are words our masters use to wipe their butts. Your best option is organizing strategic retreat.

The USA created a chain of torture sites, illegal concentration camps, around the world. The USA is shamelessly killing its opponents & also its own citizens extra-judicially with drone weapons. Spending on military, on police, and on prisons is unlimited. Big industry says the nuclear waste dump built beachside is perfectly safe. They lie. There is no oversight - the torturers & murderers & profiteers answer to no one.

Find a bit of peace if you can. Retreat to the hills. Don't worry anymore about rising Fascism - it's already at the helm.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

War & Weapons Winners

Yesterday Japan began construction of a new military base some 6o miles from Taiwan on Yonaguni Island (link), roughly 400 miles southwest of the Japanese mainland. Forward deployment of troops, weaponry and intelligence gathering functions are planned for Yonaguni base, which is also about 6o miles from the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu Islands.

Munitions makers and arms dealers are surely cheered by the news. As tensions cooled around the European Union, many large markets for weapons systems dried up. But Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea can raise huge amounts of money for "security" expenses. Taxpayers in those nations have no leverage to resist -- it's all patriotic and grand.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Japan is Bad

After two weeks in Japan, here are some negative findings:

-- Most bus stops in Tokyo are without roof cover or benches.

-- Such extensive plastic packaging! Wasteful layer on layer...

-- Rather scuzzy apartment buildings take ultra-grand names:
    zzzz "Royal Heights" or "Palace" or "Grand Villa" ...

-- Use of gauze face masks by public workers has increased.
    Perhaps 50% of such people are masked.
    It's difficult to hear a voice through a mask.

-- Noise pollution. Too many announcements continuing too long.

-- Employers require a standard health check - 健康診断.
    I had to push hard at the clinic to get a copy of my own data.
    It's as if the population are lab rats. We are not 「 マルタ 」 !

-- (Positively, there is great care in food presentation, but : )
    Negatively, behind the form, can be horrible fabrication.
    I've received thin tiny slices of processed frankenfoods.
    Pleasing to the eye, but poor taste & maybe even dangerous...
    Some food & drink coloring agents are unnaturally garish.
-- Fabrication is too often of poor substance. Surface finishing of
    buildings and public works is good, but substandard materials 
    soon deteriorate. Instead of wood & brick, it's fancy plywood
    and artificially concocted thin veneers that flake away to soon
    expose rust & cheap filler products. Surface beauty, with
    doubt inside.

-- Japan remains a monoculture in a multi-ethnic world.
    It's still very tribal here, perhaps racist. Imperial Japan
    promoted itself in the late 1930s as putting "all corners of
    the world under one roof" and for Co-Prosperity, but the
    reality then & now puts non-Japanese Asians as inferior
    (other peoples & races are valued as zoo critters).
    Not everyone feels or acts negatively if a non-Japanese
    human is near, but it's tough to swim against the tide...

Japan is Good

After two weeks in Japan, here are a few positive impressions:

-- So many flowering trees! In the parks, in people's gardens, along many rivers & streams. Great!

-- Food preparation care is typically high-quality. Attention to detail is really nice.

-- I had my first real smell of Spring the other day. Wow!

-- Tiny kids are commuting by themselves. It's weird but reassuring seeing such minis out & about.

-- There's much kindness here in the midst of crush & hurry.

I'm sure to remember more & add them later.
Japan's bad points will go in another post (link)...

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Left Wing Snot

Reading masses of arguments & 'reports' by left-wing journalists & candy-ass lefty bloggers,  99% boils down to being clueless.

It's a jungle out there. Can lefty wake up in time?

America is beautiful, but we're deadly. We kill & torture. We pry, we spy & we lie. Deal with it

Lab rats live brief lives. We kill chickens & pigs & lots of cute critters - good eating. One day you folks could become the next meal option. Supersize it all.

Our rich folk own the rest of us. You'd better kiss ass to get along
Even the more well-off had best know their place.

In God's eyes, most of us are semi-precious...

Work hard & dream! But we're in a race for survival. Imagine the 100m where the favored start 90m ahead; they win, take the prizes, and also make the rules & laws.

Enjoy the natural world. B'fore Mr. Richy rapes it dead.

Japon toujours

La brièveté et ...
Une belle histoire collective
Maintenant, sakura !

Question of Need

We "must do this" and "need do" that
say the lying sacks of shit

Hired lips in Washington

Bernie Madoff billions

Whoever can you trust
It sure ain't them.

Spend our money
That's the least of it

Take your life
Enslave your kids
To militarize the world

Each suffering elder
Learns indignities
Before an early death


The Master Race
is unconcerned

Erosion of the beach
A point of interest
Njoy while you can

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Greatest Target

Muhammad Ali.  Cassius Clay.  He surely riled The Man.

Listen (*) to his political speeches & banter.

Then, Ali was struck-down. 
Unnaturally convenient...

Where might someone leak a truly dark story?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Suffocation Torture

It's terrible the USA admittedly tortures people.

It's illegal to torture convicts. It's worse torturing people not yet charged or convicted, using torture to punish and intimidate. Torture is always illegal.

The 'waterboarding' euphemism is a deliberate fun park phrase. Let's be clear - suffocation is horrible, forcibly restrained, fighting for air, suffering pounding heart & quaking panic, knowing death by suffocating murder is within seconds.  Torture.

The torturers and those who protect them are criminal.

Swedish people believe our government should follow international law & condemn crime. We expect bold complaints, as we see ourselves as law-abiding & neutral. Sadly, our present Government of Sweden is corrupted by empty dreams of power - Swedish leaders say little and do nothing about continuing torture programs by the USA.

Moderate Swedish Tiger