Thursday, November 21, 2013

Limited Liability Losers

We all lose by allowing corporations to operate with limited liability.

No matter spin-meisters and PR, the bottom line for corporate limited liability is they can be irresponsible for debts and problems: allowed to generate distress & walk away.

Regular humans cannot so easily escape. What 99% would consider obligations, the corporation can laugh and defect. Reckless corporate behavior is fundamental to this corporate form & its legal foundations.

Corporations could be held responsible. We've allowed them to run amok with limited liability corporate charters. We put shareholder greed first & foremost. As they shift funds to maximal profit, our system encourages socially irresponsible behavior.

We allow hidden corporate donations to corrupt our political leaders. We allow corporate speculation, bailouts of too-big-to-fail corporations, mark-to-market accounting, and raw favoritism. We've allowed the corporate undermining of our political, economic & social systems. Why allow corporate owners the option to fuck over our communities with no penalty?

We allow limited liability owners to pull funding, shut the sucker down, and escape. Why do we encourage that?  Limited liability  =  no accountability. 

Allowing corporate limited liability, we've put Hyena in our living room...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Oldest Man in Arkansas, Shot Dead

Still little further word on the killing two months ago of Monroe Isadore (link), the 107-year old legally blind black man who was violently killed in his bedroom by an Arkansas SWAT team.

There's yet been no official report of weapon(s) recovery, though the killing was first explained away as justified due to the deceased "shooting at" battle-ready law officers who violently invaded his living space.

The Oldest Man in Arkansas, Monroe Isadore was 107 years old when gunned down (born 20 January 1906). Was he a ruthless chain killer, a frightening Black Panther leader, a dangerous terrorist? Or a frightened, church-going enfeebled old fellow? Did he truly shoot a gun at others? (There are no claims he hit anyone.) Where is the weapon? Were police justified to attack him in his home? Was it truly necessary to kill this venerable old man?

Monroe Isadore in younger, happier times

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

State-Directed Terrorism

Are we to believe German Chancellor Angela Merkel is coordinating terrorism over her cell phone, and that heroic Yank spies are listening & recording only to foil anti-American plots?

Indonesia's President, his wife & staff are also suspected terrorists (Remember: 9/11) -- deserving to be secretly & constantly monitored by American running dogs & spying Aussie lackeys.


And why do we give Israel access to all intelligence? Such spying is the tip of the iceberg. It feeds further espionage and blackmail.

It's a dirty & dangerous system. The public is being suckered by insiders, who operate in darkness to undermine & sabotage a system millions of Americans worked, fought & died for.

Murderous Whitey Bulger & his corrupt Boston FBI friends are filthy drops in a stinking cesspit.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Medicare For All

America's health care outrage continues...
What a silly, stupid, cumbersome health insurance system...

The bloated US system kills people everyday unnecessarily.
Need help? Prepare to be crippled by costs. Instead  wait & see one more day -- If no wake up, no more tomorrow(s) for you.

It's time to implement Medicare for all Americans.

That system already protects 50 million older Americans.

The so-called Obamacare frankenstein was a compromise with industry that Republicans now do all possible to sabotage. Who's causing & gleefully publicizing the Obamacare administrative labyrinth & website problems? It's not helpful nurses or needy patients or jackass Obama. It's big business.

Don't forget: this law is the Affordable Care Act, and scum money is paying big bucks to sink it. The ill and injured are forgotten, these sharks seek profits & easy continuous money.

Helpful medical doctors (and there aren't enough of them) can't offer free & easy treatment. Legal liability comes first (and the paperwork masks greed).

Again, needy Americans get it up the ass from an arrogant cold-blooded master class of well-insured rich folk.

Medicare for all Americans  !

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sit in your City

Near my house in the city, people come round the corner from a restaurant to stand and smoke on the side street.

I'm not against the smokers. Rather the opposite - they're local workers or residents. They keep an eye on the neighborhood, and help minimize crime.

I'd like to see an open bench. They should bring chairs.

Our city gives far too much space to cars, but doesn't respect regular people in public spaces.

Friday, November 15, 2013

You are So Bad

Might America secretly welcome focus on the Holocaust?

Most Americans think of the Holocaust with dread - a tragedy where millions of innocent people were ruthlessly butchered.

But focus on European genocide draws attention away from America's recent genocide - the slaughter of  innocent local populations & attempted complete destruction of native cultures. America's indigenous people, Native Americans, Amerindians, aboriginals, Hawaiians, the First Nations, have been brutally abused -- their homeland is occupied, their suffering continues.

Diverting attention avoids unpleasant confrontation and indefensible denial.
Our scheming rulers dance & leer on graves of the Redskin.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Beyond Fixing?

Some declare the American model beyond repair. The United States of America is deeply in debt. Political leaders of both major parties continuously spend / waste huge resources on overseas militarism. The majority of Americans lurch toward impoverishment, selling their final few valuables. The poor get sicker, dumber, poorer. The 1% other pay a millionaire Congress to yak at each other.

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has proposed a Progressive Budget Blueprint.

Read it. Support it.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Illegal Pre-Trial Confinement

Guantanamo Torture Camp
operated by the bloody US of A
a BushObama exploit

Illegal Pre-Trial Confinement
Uncontested by Americans
As each struggles & dies

In a land of war crimes
Community of guilt
Y no kwik Wealth 4 ME?

Poor Yankee near homeless
Smothered by comfortfoods
Surely "Better'n Gitmo"

                       --- by Genki

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Devil Feinstein

Right-Wing Drift vs. Despotism

The present government of the Republic of Korea is right-wing, and Proud.

Fine. South Korea's democratically-elected government missteps, however, when it bans political activities and seeks to dissolve a rival political party.

Also, South Korea still requires mandatory military service from all young men. But the system is abused (desirable appointments surreptitiously distributed unfairly) and abusive (less-advantaged young men forced into labor) as well as being sexist (in a land of legal equality, why no female service?) and possibly illegal (with no conscientious objector option, the system abrogates Korea's human rights obligations).

Korea suffers growing pains. Hopefully, the Korean people will find good solutions to their problems.

But major danger lurks, in stubborn homogeneity. Koreans are unaccustomed to diverse opinion; rather than seeking to bridge differences, diversity is smothered. Multiethnic mixed communities are rare, and too often considered dangerous.

Korea just now has many opportunities. But sustainable progress requires solving basic problems among Korea's neighbors, and offering opportunity comprehensively across the nation. Korea needs statecraft, not simplistic despotism. We pray President Park Geun-hye will search for creative solutions. Otherwise, Korea's enemies laughingly watch Korea hurry-hurry (빨리빨리) into disaster.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spies in Your Sink

What can you do to discourage the prying spying infiltration of your family & all aspects of your life?


We're targets. Be good.

But big intel-gathering needs money. If you dislike the system, please implement comprehensive reform, budget cuts & penalizing legislation; change can take place within five years...  Don't forget that government is only a small part of the spying. Edward Snowden has shown us a huge amount of espionage is conducted by private for-profit limited-liability corporations. There ain't oversight or accountability.

We've far too many patriots occupying overseas outposts. The Empire needs spies. But it's better to bring our forces home.

Support the EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation (link) to impose some checks & balances on America's invasive spying. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dirty Uncle USA

The peeping NSA has dirtied the reputation of the United States of America. We now imagine a lecherous bug-eyed Uncle Sam spying & eavesdropping.

He's corrupted our computers. He leers from every camera. His infection lingers in your mobile phone.


The US President (or his shadowy minions) -- claiming Obama didn't know about the espionage, makes it all worse...

Of course partisan Republican rats will politicize the mess. But it's a class problem: neighborhood people getting shit-upon by our rulers. (Who also spy on each other).  Scummy.

Monday, October 28, 2013

UK & Sweden Shield NSA Spies

Revelations still reverberate of wholesale spying by the US National Security Agency. Documented accusations include eavesdropping on European government leaders and international organizations, as well as intrusive comprehensive spying on hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Nearly four months ago in early July 2013 (link), a meeting of national ambassadors to the European Union sought to create an EU Working Group looking into intelligence gathering. Twenty-six EU nations were in favor of joint fact-finding studies, but the UK and Sweden vetoed common efforts to determine what was going on in areas of espionage and national security.

The governments of UK PM David Cameron & Nick Clegg, and Sweden's center-right Reinfeldt / Bildt axis shielded US spying. Even as people now awaken to sharing their lives with US spies, (and recent statements by UK & Swedish politicians are less obstructionist on uncovering the truth & eliminating abuse), thanks to these four US stooges we're unlikely to learn how much damning espionage evidence was destroyed these past few months.

How can the USA reward such valuable allies?
Are they friends, kept ignorant? or actively misinformed?
Was personal blackmail or bribery involved? Surely not...
But official spying w/ corporate collusion corrupts trust.

Cameron, Clegg, Reinfeldt, Bildt
          = free tickets to Disneyland?
          = lifetime FOX-News TV?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Korea Torments Teachers

Last Thursday 24 Oct., the government of South Korean President Park Geun-hye declared the Korean Teachers’ & Education Workers’ Union (KTU) illegal.

Korean President Park seeks to force educators toward the ruling 새누리당 Saenuri Party (Saenuri-dang) position on major issues. The Korean government is forcibly taking away a constitutionally guaranteed right to organize.

The government had demanded the union expel any members who are not full-time teachers. That may sound reasonable, but the small number of 'disputed' members are either retired teachers or those laid-off due to government cutbacks, between 9 and 22 people (link). Why can't labor associate freely?

Now the 60,000 member teacher's union is illegal.

We must wonder if President Park can make such decisions herself, or if she first needs ask Washington & U.S. Pres. Obama for permission? South Korea & ally USA remain technically in a state of war with North Korea, and America bases nearly 30,000 troops (link) throughout the South.

Korean right-wing President Park Geun-hye is the daughter of assassinated dictator General Park Chung-hee, close friend & former puppet of the USA.

The Korean Government Employees’ Union has not been officially recognized, and private sector unions are often quashed by industry. But this latest union-busting decision is sure to raise anger internationally against Korea -- already seen as competing unfairly.

The irony is that Korea is highly competitive in most substantive areas, but myopic and regressive with human rights, gender issues & internationalization. These latter areas have little influence on low priced Korean products flooding the world, but negative publicity for Korea hurts its competitive industries and consumer sales of products from Samsung, LG, Lotte, KIA, Hyundai, etc.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dead by Govt. Shutdown

How many people were sickened, injured or died due to the US government shutdown?

Stories have been told about a supposed aggregate economic cost, but where are the human stories?

The USFDA (Food and Drug Administration) has 1602 investigators, most were furloughed for three weeks - what went on during the gap?

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recalled 30 furloughed staff to deal with a salmonella outbreak among 300+ people who ate Foster Farms tainted chicken.

I'd like to see more news articles about the human cost of government shutdown.

As the shutdown was largely blamed on Republican Party extremists, there would seem ample strategic incentives for reasonable people of almost all persuasions to highlight accidents and abuses that happened during the United States federal government shutdown of 2013 (1-17 October).

The Guardian has offered some coverage - can't other media bring us more of the real stories?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Bambozzled by Richy

On the advice of a friend, just watched:
Wealth Inequality in America

Wealth inequality in itself seems natural and OK. Such extremes are not good. Half a nation lumped perpetually as "have-not" is unsustainable. And what is really bad is that the very richest 1% of people actively work & spend to flummox the rest.

Richy 1% should be spending to protect his stash. But he gets the rest to cover many costs such as security, defense & infrastructure. He spends to avoid taxes. He spends deliberately to confuse the key issues.

The modestly wealthy (with more wealth than 90% of other folk), and the quite wealthy (with more wealth than 96% of other folk), are a long distance from top 1% Richy. They know it, but busily work to protect some comforts. Richy's got the system sewn up.

With Republican-led government shutdown, people are led to be angry and want smaller government. Richy will then cheat you at the gas pump (both lower octane & improper volume - who can check?). You'll buy horse or dog meat labeled as beef (no inspectors, no govt. rules). Since Richy owns the newspapers & media, you believe a story that the poor dumfux over the hill deserve to die - and send your sturdy kids to get damaged or killed in war. Richy equips both sides, at windfall profits. No surprise: Richy Wins.

But Richy needs an endgame, an exit strategy. When 80% or 90% of 'neighbors' recognize they work very hard & live shittier lives from Richy manipulation, Richy could be threatened.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Free the Tea Party!

The US Tea Party movement was never Republican. It was stupid to be coopted by Big Business and megawealth.

Populist movements are little people fighting for themselves. They were corralled through the trickery of fatcat politicos and fools For Sale (such as golly-gee Sarah Palin whore).

Following the flag, these red white & blue Americans were sucked into the wastes of Iraq & Afghanistan, at great cost (our money stolen by Big Business) and huge loss of life.

A new party & grass-roots activism are needed. A real fight for freedom.

Withdraw from overseas colonialism, which deflect the American people's needs. It's dumb to beat-up on clueless dusky foreigners (who are also mostly enslaved as well). Fat & pasty Republican Party parasites are at fault.

Republican & Democrat weasel politicians accepted huge 'donations' to build a loophole-filled tax system for giant corporations (such as Apple -- link), who can legally e-funnel resources away from taxes & local needs. Yo money disappears to megarich scumballs, while you tastefully exercise your purchasing powers at Walmart.

Monday, October 14, 2013

We're Republican Livestock

Understanding Threat

Ask your local nuclear operator the following questions:

1) How much nuclear waste do you store on site?

2) What distance(s) from active reactor to waste storage?

3) How much such storage is necessary for power generation?

4) If you could easily offload your nuclear waste, how many tons would you give up?

Nuclear power plants also are nuclear waste dumps.  Answers to these questions easily show the nuclear industry is critically suboptimal, dirty and highly dangerous. Fukushima was not a sufficient lesson?

Demand "mile minimum" between waste dump & nuclear reactor. Hundreds of miles is better. Investors in the nuclear industry lump their waste dumps beside 'hot' reactors to minimize complaints - fewer sites, less complaint. Their short term convenience & profit-taking breeds disaster.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


US nuclear power plants should all be shutdown, say an expert panel of two former Nuclear Regulatory Commissioners, a nuclear engineer, a Cape Cod politician, and Naoto Kan (Japan's Prime Minister at Fukushima Daiichi's Nuclear Disaster).

Meeting in Boston at the Statehouse, the panel criticized Massachusetts combined Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station and Pilgrim Nuclear Waste Stockpile.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission hasn't properly protected the public.

US nuke licensing is both MILKSOP and LIMPSY:



Monday, October 07, 2013

Fukushima Cost to You

After the Fukushima nuclear disaster (which is still continuing) people living somewhat near a coastal nuclear plant should be paying much more for insurance - if they're insured at all.

Home insurance, health insurance, the risks are clearly high and much can go wrong.

We foolishly continue to stockpile nuclear waste next to operating nuclear reactors, just off beaches. Crazy.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

NYC Madness

Was it a motorcycle gang that swarmed investment banker Alexian Lien, dragged him from his Range Rover, and beat him? Was it a mob enraged by Lien's seeming callousness? Was this an ethnically-fuelled attack? Or a bike vs. car rivalry? Was it a class war skirmish? Was it common road rage?

A daytime drive in upper Manhattan for a young family quickly turned nasty last Sunday (29 Sept) when they collided with a pack of motorcyclists. Plainclothes police were among the motorcyclists, and at least some of the multiple altercations were filmed over the at-least four mile chase & assault(s). Nobody was killed, but a man was crushed under Alexian Lien's SUV Range Rover, and Lien was subsequently dragged from the driver's seat and beaten in the street in front of his wife & toddler.

The bikers were part of a larger annual rally of some 1000 motorcyclists from around the region converging on Times Square (link), in which police reportedly forcefully intervened - making many arrests & confiscating 55 motorcycles.

The incident makes clear that sudden attacks can easily happen - in New York City or elsewhere, by a mob or by the cops.

Mr. Lien seems suddenly to have been confronted with annoyance, then trouble. How to best react? Conditions escalated / deteriorated quickly. While Lien survived with reportedly minor injuries, it is imaginable he & his family might have been killed. Subsequent reports on Lien's background (link) (link) and financial situation (involving Skrill emoney / Moneybookers, Investcorp and the Bahraini royal family) led to Lien seeking withdrawal from LinkedIn and other social media. Confrontation thus continues shaking-up those involved & peripheral. Of course the "live & let live" option seems most appealing in hindsight.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Bugging Your Bookmarks

It's unreasonably invasive when the secret police can legally sort through anyone's bookmarks & web browser history, secretly devising imagined personality profiles.

Curiosity is important for personal and social development. Creativity is stifled when we must lodge a state-sanctioned censor in every home, office & human mind.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Soldiering the Shutdown


Standing armies


Soldiers soldiers soldiers

No money for nothing.
But  MILITARISM  continues grabbing big funds.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Republicans Win !!!!

The Republican quest for smaller government has been successful.

The forced shutdown of the U.S. Federal Government is due to the House of Representatives failing to fund the U.S. Federal budget.

Many Republicans seek to eliminate assorted government operations, especially introduction of the Affordable Care Act (dubbed "ObamaCare").

After failing to strip away health care law, they sought to defund or delay it. Failing that, a hardcore "Tea Party" faction determined to shutdown government.

What happens? National Parks shutdown; the IRS stops tax audits; Small Business Administration Loan processing is halted, as are Veteran's benefits proceedings; the E-Verify system stops authentications (to eliminate illegal employment of foreign workers). It's Law of the Jungle: the biggest & meanest slaughter freely.

Programs monitoring illegality, that hamper big industry from wholly dominating American life, are out of operation. Terminating anything holding them accountable, Republicans thus win.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Dirty Bombs from US Spies

The secret police and spy services of the USA have gathered together a dangerous, even deadly system of intelligence gathering. Spying on so many people leaves huge security flaws. They spy because they can - it's what they do. Problems include misuse of security intelligence for commercial advantage, and blackmail.

It's natural we question the patriotism of those ferreting out the most intimate details of our lives, and challenge the widespread use of private contractors in top secret programs.

Ultimately, even when the secret police can point to multiple successes, consider also their many failures. By gathering & packaging confidential private information, they create dirty bombs. Allowing others to misuse intel about our leaders, neighbors, and perhaps our own family is inexcusable. Arrogantly spying on our allies and on prominent foreigners is odious and rude.

It all stinks. We must limit what the secret police are allowed to do, and greatly improve oversight and proper accountability. 

Pity Iraq

Pity Iraq.

First we supported Saddam Hussein with billions of dollars as he sacrificed his people against Iran. Then we turn and bomb the shit out of the country, tearing away infrastructure and allowing our mercenary-terrorists (Blackwater) to kick ass. Now Iraq is destabilized and wounded.

Surely we're partly at fault for their pain. But we've our own chronic creeping problems.

Now we try to ignore Iraqis. But we've done similar things in Egypt & elsewhere. Is retribution inevitable? Why not pull back our overseas armies, secure & keep our own borders safe, and truly beg forgiveness?  Our deadly militarism isn't amusing.