Friday, September 09, 2011

Hot Dog Paul Ryan

U.S. House Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) should return to driving the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile (a task he did after his Social Security survivor's benefits ended ... and the little creep never drove by my house...).

At a 6 Sept. at a Wisconsin Rotary Club fundraising speech, when Rep. Ryan claimed "Most of our debt, in the future, comes from our entitlement programs" - retired plumber Tom Nielsen interrupted him, "I paid into those for 50 years! My Social Security, my unemployment, my Medicare, and now you're gonna..." But Nielsen (71), couldn't complete his dissenting comment -- being pushed from the room, wrestled down & arrested. His elderly constituent was bundled away by police while Rep. Ryan joked & laughed at him...

See it here:

Yet as Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan was silent about huge expenditures for overseas military interventions. Guns before butter! This twerp, from the Ryan Incorporated Central family, a major Big Business, "one of the nation's largest site-work contractors" is a callous hot-dogger.

He'd sell your grandma for meat, label it 'veal' - and snicker at the pain he caused.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Public Private Partnership

America's unprecedented Public Private Partnership is in full glory - from the vaults of mega banking firms to the shores of Tripoli...

The public pays, and rich private interests gather all benefits.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Labor Day USA

We can construct a society
where all enjoy balanced life.

There's no shortage of work to do...

Don't give up worker pride
to entitled brats of the richest 1%.

Wake-Up!     Union Power Made Labor Day

United We Bargain -- Divided We Beg

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cherokee-Memorial in Palestine

Believing that God supports you is empowering... but it's also led to horrible cruelty, theft & murder.

Nothing stopped U.S. settlers from theft & massacre of the Cherokee and other Native Americans. Though victims of systematic genocide, native peoples are still often depicted as savages. Resisting Invasion is condemned as Rebellion.

Israeli settlers now similarly dispossess local people. "Nation Building" is a wonderful goal, but most people of the world (and many in Israel) feel theft and murder unjust.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Propaganda for Breakfast

Reports of atrocities by the (now seemingly former) Libyan government leader are perplexing.

Quadaffi is blamed in most reports for many types of horrible outrages. But wait - what of when the devil is us?

When the Argentinian right-wing tortured, killed and 'disappeared' thousands of supposed troublemakers, capitalist-controlled media was largely silent. When photos emerged from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison of torture by America's military, President Bush evaded blame.

Where's the outrage for genocide of native Americans? Old news? And to free slaves is reasonable, but it doesn't wipe the slate clean, fully pardoning atrocities.

Recognize we're fed predigested half-truths most mornings with breakfast. Food for thought.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lunch with Hitler

Most people swept up in warfare would avoid brutality & violence. They're pressed to participate, under threat, to support one or another group.

Count your blessings if such choices are not forced on you -- when a bad choice may mean death.

We know ways to defuse rivalries and to minimize sectarian turmoil. But belligerent leaders and assorted parasites make trouble, seeking to scavenge gains.

Rejoice you've not had the misfortune of Hitler & his minions coming through your door, demanding lunch.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Greek Dinner

Greece has overextended itself. As the Greek government is unable to easily repay assorted (mainly private) lenders, pressure has developed for other European governments to bailout the Greeks. As I understand it, such support allows the Greeks further easy borrowing, at lower interest rates.

Finland has demanded collateral to invest in Greece, not simply promises of reform and privatization. Seems reasonable. But too many bailouts are tapping public funds, in often incestuous insider relationships.

The global financial system has become corrupted. One of the worst offenders is the US Federal Reserve, which has quietly been lending private banks huge amounts of funds with little oversight.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Libya as Stolen Property

Interfering foreigners are creating a new regime in Libya. We should hope it will be an improvement on the last government, but positive signs are few.

In declaring the right to wage war on Libya, the foreigners claimed to be protecting civilian lives. Just now, many civilians and low-level officials are suffering & being killed. The outside forces are not protecting civilians properly. Instead, the foreigners, their underlings, and Libyan patriots fight among themselves to divide Libya's wealth.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Trickle-Down Looting

Violence & looting are wrong. The looting now overtaking the UK is a black eye for every community.

But serious looting of far larger sums was imposed on the people of Britain by crony capitalism. The government spent £850bn of public funds to "bailout" private banks (link). The government shovels money to military armaments merchants and for overseas adventurism in distant lands. Past wrongs don't excuse present crimes. But don't be deceived - larger scale looting is now the norm for government & select businesses. We've been completely fleeced: Grand Theft by our rulers.

And pilferage is worse in the USA. All Common Wealth is appropriated by super wealthy opportunists; the rest of the people fight over crumbs.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

No Reckoning

The United States of America suffered a sovereign credit downgrade last Friday by rating agency Standard & Poor's. Media's now full of dust & smoke, squawking, the sound of gnashing teeth, etc. etc. What's going on?

The basic affront is the United States of America has grown contemptuous of accountability. Having enjoyed unilateral freedoms for so long, the US government is accustomed to doing whatever it wishes. Public relations and the press are too often interchangeable, rewriting history, ignoring it, or diverting attention & outrage to new stories and memes.

US policymakers see the key lesson of the Vietnam War as marking a point to where one can stray but still reap the Nobel Prize (Kissinger), avoid trials for war crimes, and simply apologize with 'oops'...

The present economic meltdown owes much to the financial crisis of 2007, when the US housing bubble showed major banks and financial firms were insolvent. The US government rescued selected private companies with bailout funds, allowing the executive managers to remain at work. The crisis was blamed in part on regulatory failure and poor government oversight, but top public officials also kept their jobs. These corporations along with Bush, Obama and their cronies, fundamentally undermined our market system by gifting huge public assistance to a few private firms. Importantly, although such shenanigans resulted in global recession, the sovereign credit rating of the USA was not adjusted downward. In other words, this correction is very little, very late.

Friday, August 05, 2011

In Every Mirror, A Sucker

A great title to criticize cosmetics firms. But my target is finance.

Listen to the stupid pronouncements of market analysts & financial pundits -- we're easily suckered. "The market is responding to" is often simple hot air. The next day, or 20 minutes later, the same idiot belches another plausible scenario.

Feel like a puppet being jerked about? You should. Are you a step behind? Yes.

Talk of fears, correction, and jubilant investors serves to squeeze hefty commissions (or more) from common punters who move their funds. Often the "experts" are parasites, positioned to reap windfall profits from the gullible acting on their advice.

Two weeks ago we were told loans to Greece were in crisis, and that private lenders should be paid with European public funds. Germany forced the private banks to shoulder part of their own problem. But the public now subsidizes much of each repayment.

Now suddenly we're told Italy is in crisis. Other nations, recognizing it's "drink now or go thirsty" -- edge nearer to the money pot. Is it Big Capital playing us as dupes? Financial professionals care for us only if we bring them money, pushing for lax oversight & self-regulation without threat of penalty. All we are is dust in the wind...

Don't forget Kenny Lay & Co, the Bush & Cheney corporate friend...

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Cultivate Activists

I protest against war and the military industries as socially brutalizing, monetarily costly, and personally repugnant. I'm also opposed to exploitative colonialism, torture, and the US prison system.

What to do with such outrage? I write this blog, contact elected officials, and hope to cultivate activism.

Social activism is tough. It's easy to burn-out. Successes are short-lived and local. New generations, oblivious, inherit democracy or a world powered otherwise, and submit to authority. Mostly.

Science enjoys incremental progress over generations; evidence doesn't need continuous re-analysis. But social systems are continuously rediscovered & redefined, with the gullible hoodwinked by swindlers. Social concerns change; arrogant exploitation morphs to family concerns into aged infirmities.

Entertainment may be unfulfilling, but so is politics. Much competes for attention.

I try to balance the beauty of the world, and a natural peace, with activism. Simple redoubled effort will lead to grief. Nobody carries world problems long. Cultivate others and always model peace in daily life.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Bullies On Board?

Bully methodology has taken root in the administration of many institutions. When local government, schools, banks, the airlines & the transport police, etc., become coldhearted & brutal, they've lost concern with service excellence. Workers threatened with loss of job, operating under great stress, hijack too many social relationships. We must build healthy systems. Efficiency is not the key goal of living.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Rich Washington, Poor USA

Hundreds of America's millionaire politicians gather in Washington and decide:
  ---   great wealth pays no new taxes
  ---   less funds for social redistribution
  ---   you poor, comfort yourselves in hell.

The needs & pressing problems of Americans are a different world from the US Congress, who help the rich and the corporate donors. Lavish spending on military industries. Of all America's wealth, 27% is split among 90% of the people -- a shrinking share must support more & more (link). Congress refuses to raise revenue from cronies with comfortable wealth, making Americans less talented or less fortunate eat shit.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Government Needs Talent

Many highly talented people are never attracted to government service.

Government downsizing demoralizes & leads to personnel cutbacks. Private sector interests portray government workers as parasites. A fractured public service cannot consistently supply top-quality human resources, and good clever people often are desperately needed.

US President Obama supports huge pay for financial industry executives (link). But in contrast to self-serving astronomically-paid financial manipulators, our very lives, safety & well being rely on minimally-paid air traffic controllers, government bureaucrats, firemen, health inspectors, teachers, etc. Jobs threatened, they're stressed and unappreciated...

Most top people don't enter government. And too many who aim at politics, like Obama (who has become addicted to making war), quickly abandon their promises as candidates to grab supports from powerful private interests.

Public service is gutted.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Grief in Fukushima

I'm willing to believe Fukushima's engineers & scientists are doing everything possible to fix or limit problems at the stricken nuclear plants.

Technical efforts are essential, but so are good communications with the public.

How dangerous is the Fukushima nuclear threat? I don't know. But local residents are worried, and officials sent to reassure them appear incompetent & inconsiderate.

The Japanese government has downsized to a dangerous level.

A fractured public service fails to consistently supply needed human resources. Watch the official clowns in this video - see the Japanese government's terrible response to crisis:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Grief in Norway

A smarmy weasel in Norway murdered some 77 people, mostly teenagers a generation younger than the killer. The dead were not directly known to him; they were defenseless against his weapons.

What should be done with this man? Perhaps he should be put in a room with the mothers for private discussions.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Forbidden Homemaking 101 ?

Today is New York's first day allowing same gender couples to marry.     Congratulations !

From today's New York Times: "New York is the sixth, and largest, state to legalize same-sex marriage. Several other states are considering following suit... But most states have either laws or constitutional amendments barring same-sex marriage, and federal law bars the United States government from recognizing same-sex marriages." The US Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) remains a grim prohibition, a forced denial of basic rights to minority people.

Massachusetts had the first legal same-sex marriages in the USA on 17 May 2004. US states often continue to bicker about whether such gay pairing is termed "marriage" or "civil union" or "domestic partnership" or something else.

Here in Sweden, gay couples were allowed "registered partnership" from 1995; marriage became gender neutral from 1 May 2009 after a long struggle (one champion for change was US-born Rita 'Rainy' Creighton, who tragically died in a motorbike crash before the legal normalization).

I believe "Homemaking 101" is a human right to which the State & Church might be invited to validate, but with which they should not interfere.

On a personal note, when my parents married in Massachusetts in 1956, they were legally prohibited to marry or cohabit in 14 U.S. states (my mom is mixed race, Hawaiian / Caucasian / Chinese, my dad is Caucasian). If my mother were Negro, they were barred marriage in a further 11 states (25 total of the then 48 states). Bad.

Anyhow, to those marrying today - Belated Congratulations !

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Murdoch She Wrote

Rupert Murdoch has positioned himself and his companies in a key nexus of power. Information is essential for democracy to function, and Murdoch firms have come to act as gatekeepers for news & commentary. Extreme concentration of money & power can seem efficient, but it's dangerous, intimidating and deadening.

Some reporting lacks civility, but a titillated public buys the output.

They are faulted for developing too-cozy relationships with those in power.

They're also criticized for bending the rules and for breaking the law.

As with the implosion of Robert Maxwell's media empire, we might hope any changes result in more and diverse voices among a wider concerned community.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Going to Hell - Community Despair

Community is undermined by the incidents described below. It's painful to examine the assorted legal & ethical problems of Mrs. Gina Marie Clark (age 40, Marstons Mills, MA, USA).

(In brief:) Gina Clark ran the charity Touched by Angels, raising money for local accident victims & the critically ill. The organization was effective with fundraising: working with regional groups and businesses, soliciting funds from private donors in the community with true stories of local need and hardship.

A problem emerged: numerous people claimed to not have received their expected funds (link). Perhaps simple ingratitude, but many loud voices shouted scam. Ultimately, Gina Clark was arrested and charged dozens of crimes, including larceny by embezzlement, fraud, and more. Outside her arraignment, her lawyer Seth Roman (of Wilkins and Deyoung, Hyannis) stated "This is a witch hunt!" The charity is no longer operating.

Last week, Gina Clark was arrested (link) for shoplifting. She is accused of hiding assorted items worth $1093.89 down at the base of her shopping cart, paying $190.09 for merchandise on the top layer, and leaving a Kohl's department store with stolen goods. She reportedly claimed to the arresting policeman "That was not my cart, and I didn’t know how the items got in there." Such a defense might have been believable, although fingerprints or CCTV video might show if she'd handled the items. At a subsequent court appearance, her lawyer reportedly claimed something different, the shoplifting was a mere "misunderstanding" - Gina simply forgot about some items in her cart.

The public is left to wonder. Is it at all believable that someone selects nearly $1300 of goods, pays less than $200, and notices nothing? Is this lawyer's job simply to say whatever might potentially defend his client? One is left feeling the community system is hopelessly dirty & corrupt.

2011-05-05 fraud arraignment (link to YouTube video)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BackupBankroll®   Joe DebtDupe

Private bankers lend money & collect interest. They get more interest from weaker borrowers. When a borrower can't pay on time, the public instead must pay those debts.

Sound crazy?
Not for a lender bank. Look carefully at this "can't lose" excellent business plan - - politicians dispense taxpayer funds to private banks (or to weak borrower nations) and make you pay-in involuntarily.

The stronger of the world are already well-served with good banking relationships. So what can a hungry bank do? Push the marginal borrowers into high-priced debt. Any problem and Joe Public will bailout the bank for the note.

This happened in the USA with the housing bubble, and earlier with savings & loan companies; now the public shoulders sovereign debt of Greece. Banks have played the politicians and ultimately the taxpayers to backup bankroll their lending.

Banks have not "accidentally" found themselves in this situation. As financial brokers it is fundamental to their business plan. Buying-selling selling-buying, they collect whatever happens.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lord Murdoch of Mordor

When media baron Rupert Murdoch and son James Murdoch were invited to appear before the British House of Commons (Culture, Media and Sport Committee) they initially declined as being "unavailable." When then more formally summoned to appear, they claimed to be too busy (James Murdoch offered an alternate schedule 22 days after the assigned day). As public outrage grew, they finally agreed to appear as demanded.

Press & public interest are high. But who should be responsible for illegal spying by media that happened years ago? These cases involve national politics, huge funds and great power. They highlight incestuous relationships between media, politicians, and law enforcement. We're likely to hear of similar crimes in other countries -- by Murdoch-related reporters and also by others. Can we ever know what truly happened? What lessons can be learned?

We might feel sympathy for the Murdochs as they're being grilled; they claim to know little or nothing of procedures at their businesses. But wait - - these are the bosses of Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, & other Foxholes, so better we recognize the Murdochs as cynically manipulative, super wealthy weasels.

The New Obama?

Obama criticizing Alito: "...he consistently sides on behalf of the powerful against the powerless; on behalf of a strong government or corporation against upholding American's individual rights."
-- Barack Obama's U.S. Senate statement opposing appointment of Samuel Alito Jr. to U.S. Supreme Court (26 Jan. 2006)

Has President Obama morphed to serving the same Monster?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wall Street Under Siege

Corporate control of US politics is now threatened by a planned Wall Street invasion. Adbusters (link) invites activists to build a tent city on Wall Street, New York, from 17 September 2011. By awakening participatory democracy, they hope to separate money from politics.

Corporate-directed militarism is a gloomy nightmare that's led to national & worldwide misery -- though Wall Street wizards have thus far been immune. Brokers profiting from chicanery may yet see Nightmare on Elm Street become nightmare on Wall Street, The pigs will be out in force, busting heads & worse...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do   (while you can)

Don't be a passive consumer, inhaling the smoke of corporate media & government spin while not yourself communicating. Passivity is for schmucks. In today's world, seek solutions or you're screwed. Too many business plans, big & small, distill to one word: Exploitation. Your home, bank accounts, health, job, etc. are under threat - escapism is not an option. Clam up and you're served on the half shell to the greedy.

But what to do?

Speak out. Talk to others about your worries & fears. Extract understanding & share with others. Starting a blog is easy and free. Build a web presence. Develop your brand. Your voice is important --- use it or lose it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

US Debt Default Strategy

The US national debt is in the daily news. Elite government officials reportedly spend many hours, day after day, discussing options for cutting spending, raising taxes & revenues, or increasing the debt ceiling. The rating agencies Moody's and Standard & Poor's are prepared to downgrade US sovereign debt, which will make assorted borrowing more expensive.

The people of the USA may be better served by default. US rogue regimes led by Bush & Obama squandered our money on overseas military adventures, against majority opinion (repeat polls show strong majorities for removing US troops from Iraq & Afghanistan). Future generations shouldn't be saddled with costly errors made by elitist fools & their wealthy promoters wasting public funds.

This 'rogue government' argument has been used by other nations when a prior regime has looted their national treasury for indefensible activities (sometimes assisted by the USA). Now it's our turn to be lectured that we should've thrown the bums out.

Sovereign credit ratings, United States of America:

Moody's Investors Service
USA long-term = Aaa
on review for possible downgrade 13 July 2011 (link)

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
USA long-term = AAA
USA short-term = A-1+
put on CreditWatch w/ negative implications 14 July 2011 (link)

Fitch Ratings
USA long-term = AAA
USA short-term = F1+
stable since 21 Sept 2000 (link)

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Insane Spending: US Bombs

Friday, 8 July, the US House of Representatives passed a new Defense Spending Bill. Support was strong & bipartisan, the bill passed 336-87. US wars in Iraq & Afghanistan are budgeted $119 billion, a figure only part of expected spending for brutal & wasteful US operations so far away.

Every three days the USA sinks $1+ billion making war on those two distant regions. Overall defense spending is five times as much. Insane.

Time to cut off USA adventurism overseas. Most operations have little to do with defense of the USA; they're counterproductive & antagonize local people. Neither should American taxpayers be paying Israeli bills; those billions of dollars are needed at home.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Rant !

A key lie:
      America = independence     but elsewhere, no

I love independence. And I'm independent -- more than most people. I've lived decades in America, and decades outside. Around the world are plenty of independent thinkers & independent people, often happy, settled in nice places; Americans believing otherwise are wrong.

That's not to say independence is everywhere -- it ain't. And independence is not everywhere in America. Far too many folk are unemployed, homeless or bedraggled. Lots of Americans must kiss ass for job & health insurance.

Of course where taxpaying citizens view public servants as parasites, chronic bad attitude is a real problem (especially in cops). Most workers have insufficient vacation time. Stress is everywhere. Too many Americans are deeply in debt, living under threat of losing their home. Nearly 25 million US households might have their Homeowners Association dictating the color of their door or the frequency they must cut their grass - is that independence?

The US Government's run amok with surveillance, defense spending and overseas adventurism. Major growth industries are creepy "Homeland Security" and prisons. There's too little justice.

US politicians are a sorry lot. Americans electing hope & change got shafted.     (to be continued)...

Hell for Free-Market Economists

Bottom line of US government "economic downturn" policies:

  government bailout   =   government subsidy

Unfair elsewhere.
- - - OK if USA... ?

Libya's new Minister of Oil

What slowed the Libyan anti-Gaddafi advance?

--- Each rebel realized the foreign promise he'd be next Oil Minister was shared by many...