Saturday, May 07, 2011

Ill & Far-Away

Tough to be ill in a foreign land. Sweating, high fever, delirium.

I hope it's unrelated to the lady wearing a Bulgarian Tourist Board jacket who passed on the street the first day and poked me with her umbrella; strange - with no hint of rain...

Monday, May 02, 2011

Killing Enemy Families

The world may be safer with the killing of Osama bin Laden. But one step forward, two steps back. A few hours before Bin Laden was killed by US forces in Pakistan, a US forces airstrike in Tripoli killed a son and three grandchildren of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. We might rationalize summary justice for bin Laden, who chose his own dangerous path. But it's surely no good butchering families & young children when dispensing our punishments.

Gaddafi's dead son, age 29, was reportedly injured at age 4 in 1986 in a similar American bombing that killed his infant adopted sister. This Saturday evening's bombing killed his 5 month old baby, and 2-year old twins. No allegations yet claim these little kids violated our "no fly zone" before being slain.

In 2003, American forces killed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's 14-year-old grandson, Mustafa, with his father & uncle.

Osama bin Laden was not killed for being insane, though our political leaders speak vaguely of his evil terror. He fought for a cause, believing in a duty to battle Soviet, American & Zionist infidels. His own attacks grew from witnessing heavy-handed military operations by his enemies. I don't agree with his analysis or his methods; few people do. But allowing summary killing outside the legal system is problematic. And we all must question when it's OK we kill children. Our violence generates more violence. We must not abandon legal oversight and courtroom justice. Killing kids is surely bad policy & simply wrong.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Helping Hawaii


Military Occupation of Hawaii continues. Local people suffer.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Emergency Managers

The Governor of Michigan has begun ruling via Emergency Managers. Many taxpayers and citizens will cheer efforts to "break through the logjam of politics" and appoint emergency financial managers to administer local government. Turnaround management of gutted economies sounds great, but the process is short sighted, anti-democratic, dangerous & wrong. Most such places can never become competitive through government directive or extensive privatization; the procedure is a corporate raid, stripping away liens & assets. Free citizens become subject peoples. Never accept or trust such dictatorial bureaucrats. Hopefully it can't long continue...

Me Me as Meme

Where's this place?
From a biting article (link) full of clever phrases, a few excerpts:

+   "aggressive superficiality"
+   "Viagra Capitalism"
+   "proto-fascist"
+   a thinning empire ruled by "two wings of The Money Party"
+   "disparity between facade & content"
+   a "corporate order of Botox Politics"

"Republican Party strategists game the ... bigots of their political base by raising the fearsome specters of child-recruiting gay pedophiles, in alliance with Islamic Caliphate plotters, all of whom, at the behest of dirty hippie socialists, have designs to redistribute their lawn furniture, outdoor grilling equipment, and pool toys to dark and dusky sorts."

Phil Rockstroh writes of a land where Donald Trump gives national problems the comb-over treatment.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

No Fly ==> Combat

We's been hoodwinked again. "No-Fly" was an excuse for combat. Big military nations now wage war in Libya. A remit to protect civilians has been twisted to uncivil intervention. Euro-American conquest in Africa again.

A "No Lie Zone" would greatly change our leadership...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Japan's Nuclear Disaster Secrets?

Many Japanese people are suffering greatly -- from the unknown... They've learned from past experience not to trust the authorities. Corner cutting, rubber-stamp inspections, shabby attempts to hide "dirt" & error, Japanese nuclear industry mismanagement stems in part from poor checks & balances.

Government / corporate efforts fail to reassure the population. Nuclear safety fears are substantial & genuine.

Some people in Japan look back at the Chisso-Minamata mercury poisoning disaster, when the cause & extent of Chisso's pollution were revealed only after decades of misinformation. "Compensation" for destroyed health & loss of life has been slow.

Corporations often respond poorly to accidents. Union Carbide's Bhopal (India) disaster killed many thousands of people in 1984; legal actions still continue. Key officials (such as Union Carbide Chairman & CEO Warren Anderson) refused to appear in court. Justice becomes more difficult to determine. Deception, spin, legal claptrap, smoke & mirrors -- tough for common folk...

The British remember similar episodes of broken trust. UK Agriculture Minister John Gummer tried to reassure a public scared by BSE vCJD. He claimed beef was "perfectly safe" and in front of the press tried feeding a beefburger to his four-year old daughter Cordelia (she refused to eat it).

Individuals cannot be well informed in the face of official misinformation. We need more Japanese press adversarialism in this critical area. So certainly people are afraid. They worry about being tricked, and truth coming out too late.

We're deceived repeatedly. As Pres. George W. Bush said persuasively in his first term: "Fool me once..."   uhhh... mmmm   Quickly fooled again.

Leaky Leaders - Same Script

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak now is reportedly too ill to be questioned about alleged crimes, corruption & murders under his administration. Many Egyptians will be skeptical of his sudden disability.

Americans had similar doubts in 1974, when former U.S. President Richard Nixon's sickness with phlebitis made him claim danger & unable to testify about his colleagues' alleged crimes (he survived for 20 more years).

Chilean dictator General Pinochet also plead that health problems prevented his assisting justice investigations (for 6+ years).

Truth & justice are important -- more than the comfort or survival of former public servants.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Rah Rah Robbery

Rah rah rip-off.
The USA is waging war in Afghanistan (& Pakistan), the Middle East (Iraq), and in Libya (North Africa).

The people of the USA cannot afford these wars. The USA as a Warfare State cripples home communities. Americans are cheating ourselves.

Our world-encircling military bases network is now horribly toxic. Most host nation people want us gone. Warfare sucks. And we do it Industrial-scale.

What greatly surprises me is the collective amnesia of people age 50 & over, who were thumped with the dark specter of dangerous Vee Yet Nam (rhyming w/ ham and spam). Millions of lives were damaged & destroyed by the U.S. war machine (subordinate allies share blame). Those who waged horrible war escaped being tried & convicted of their crimes. The world should look back at that darkness with horror & dismay; the war's planners should be despised worldwide. But there was no accountability. Too many Americans (if they look back at all) simply think:

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Baruch Blumberg, RIP

The world lost a great person with the death yesterday of Dr. Barry Blumberg, scientist & inquiring mind.

We met in 1991, as I entered Balliol College at Oxford. We freshers were first addressed by the Dean & Archivist, and offered majestic but harsh advice on disciplinary matters (aimed at the undergrads? -- the "-plinary" of disciplinary rhymed with "winery"). Next the Master of the College came to the podium and surprised me with an American accent, and a warm & friendly greeting. I soon learned that our Master was Nobel prizewinner Baruch Samuel Blumberg, born in Brooklyn (USA), educated at Balliol, a pioneer researcher on Hepatitis B whose vaccine saved millions of lives.

I got to know the Master via many small seminars he held during my years of residence at Oxford. The day-long themes were often outside my expertise, so I'd bring reference texts to study during deliberations (topics ranged from economics & public policy to philosophy, creativity, science & international relations). The Master often sat by me, dipping into my books and articles. I was most impressed with his boldly open mind. He had no pretense or arrogant airs. He was a model of accomplishment. He'll be sorely missed by many.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Blowback Analysis

Hype & marketing permeate modern daily life.

In public affairs & government, assorted interests argue for their views: best-case examples buttress their position, potential costs are minimized.

Use of military force (whether called "war" or "keeping the peace") is serious & potentially deadly. Decisionmaking processes should be methodical, not driven by hype & spin. Deployment decisions should include blowback analysis.

What potential worst-case scenarios can be linked to assorted options? What are the costs to doing nothing? Can we protect against counteroffensive, and at what cost?

Paths of action & inaction can each be costly - are we prepared to pay the expected price? Blowback analysis is essential. We should not be caught flatfooted, claiming surprise in the midst of failure.

"I don't think anybody could have predicted..."

  -- US National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice (on enemies using hijacked airplanes as missiles);   16 May 2002

Bestselling novel "Debt of Honor" by Tom Clancy depicts a revenge-seeking pilot using a commercial Boeing 747 airliner to destroy the U.S. Capitol Building, killing the U.S. President and most of the nation's leadership.

1999 (two years before Sept. 11 2001 attacks):
"Sociology & Psychology of Terrorism" (link) -- U.S. Government 1999 report which discussed expected "spectacular" al-Qaida airplane strikes against U.S. targets.

March 2001
Nationally broadcast fictional Fox TV show "The Lone Gunmen" portrays the attempted crashing of a hijacked airliner into New York's World Trade Center.

Friday, April 01, 2011

America Grows Up

The Swedish Poodle Goes to War

In Stockholm today, our Swedish Riksdag debates collaborating in Libya's war. The intervention plans are costly & wrong.

Colonial powers have already discarded the rationale of protecting civilians through a "no fly zone" -- mission creep has morphed operations toward arming militant factions, regime change, erosion of sovereignty, and imposing imperialist controls making Libya a colony again.

Intervention can quickly bite us in the ass -- why create dangerous enemies? Where's analysis of potential blowback? Such costs must be considered. We don't fight for Libyan freedom or dignity. Rather, we want part of the looting, and our Swedish arms exporters are itching to show-off their weaponry...

We obey the USA like a pet.

Give a sweet goodie to Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.
Such a well-trained little fellow!

Foreign Minister Carl Bildt is on display too!

"Luck of the Irish" = Bad Luck

Ireland needs more bailout funding. Why? Because their growth over the last 15 years was built on a "lowest taxes" model and non-sustainable.

Ireland sought to attract business investment & clever individuals by undercutting competitors. Ireland's corporate tax rate is 12.5% (compared with 28% in the UK, 35%+ in the USA, 26% in Sweden). They reportedly (link) were also highly forgiving with corporate "administrative expense" allowances. The Irish boom drained resources from elsewhere, and they hoped to generate enough new value-added synergies to operate at low cost.   They failed.

Now they're saddled with thousands of deteriorating development projects. Indebtedness forces Dublin to beg competitors for assistance. Pity the Irish...?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hey Richie !

<<   Policeman growls:   >>

Mr Rich Man
cut my income:
I'll kick yo' ass
fo' family!

Mr Rich Man
touch his doughnut:
- he'll whack you
cause it's fun!

Heads I Win -- Tails You Lose

People slowly get wiser -- we're being fleeced. The wealthy & powerful grab "hard earned" profits for lavish lifestyles, yet hen their speculation fails -- the public is forced to pay. We pay for their mistakes.

Big bankers & industrialists have now squeezed national bailouts and huge repeated subsidies from the public purse. But if they rob & cheat us, and cannot pay, they should be convicted, stripped of all assets, and brought to justice. On public trial we'd see how vulgar & shameless they are...

The nuclear energy lobby continues to claim competitive costing as they suck out profits. But if operations fail to go perfectly, they'll leave us to organize cleanup, pay for decommissioning, and shoulder damages. Fukushima's fallout is generating huge costs in many industries. The nation's reputation suffers; refugee numbers swell; property values have collapsed. Others devastated by the tsunami are neglected while in great need. Don't get fooled again!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Libyans !

Americans were warned by Reagan to "Beware the Libyans" !!
(why their ill will? ...unmentioned...) Supposed bloodthirsty Libyan terror teams were exposed in a 1985 popular film.

Back to the Future Now -- Obama's military connives with friendly colonial powers, destroying Libya's government facilities & forces.

  Now is The Future!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Keeping Power

Ungrateful masses attack their government for assorted reasons. Recent popular unrest in various parts of the world also highlights assorted methods used by governments to maintain their hold ("iron grip") on power.

The following is a partial, growing & unranked list of government methods to keep power.

This list can be useful for oppressed people seeking to promote popular change. (Agents of scummy governments: we are deciphering your tricks... please read no further).

-- intelligence services (Mukhabarat) provide early warning about dissent & dissidents

-- cultivate individual self-censorship through fear of recrimination and reprisal (arrest, torture, murder, etc.)

-- significant & well-publicized brutality generates fear & self-censorship

-- reshuffle top ministers or key personnel

-- pledge to hold free elections within 18 months

-- promise not to seek reelection

-- pass power to "A New Generation" (child of the leader)

-- institute public order laws with draconian fines & imprisonment

-- monitor & control the press; limit access of foreign press corps

-- treat internet & telephone network access as a privilege, to be turned-off when threatening

-- do as little as possible to promise justice for past misdeeds; cultivate the aura that government operates with impunity and can do anything

-- discuss amending the constitution

-- stall for time by creating diversion

-- stall for time by creating committees to study assorted problems; maintain control of committee composition, schedule, agenda, and reporting

-- blame foreign or minority elements for troubles

-- condemn individual enemies for use of drugs, or sexual or economic crimes

-- coopt opponents via government employment

-- encourage opponents toward foreign exile

-- equate criticism with dissent & disloyalty

-- watch the watchers: police, intel, military, political colleagues

-- express shock when opponents are murdered, dismembered, etc.

-- lease land to imperial power for airfield, naval port or military base (though this increases possibilities of foreign intervention)

-- allow the development of tame 'opposition' groups, fracturing opposition energies

-- blame revolutionary groups, 'armed gangs' or paramilitary forces beyond government control for disruption or outrageous attacks on opposition

-- promise investigation of abuses, but require substantial proofs & evidence

-- ally with organized criminal groups

-- share crumbs of corruption, coopting key people

-- make defamation and treason major crimes

-- utilize harassment, interrogation & detention without charge for social control

-- tightly control the judiciary; delay trials indefinitely


Friday, March 25, 2011

Schmuck Revolution ?!

"People Power" changed government in the Philippines

Ukrainians had an "Orange Revolution"

"The Sidi Bouzid Revolt" led to Tunisia's government collapsing - President Ben Ali & family escaped hurriedly to Saudi Arabia...

Civil resistance by the Egyptian people also promised change. But the "25th January Revolution" (ثورة ٢٥ يناير) thus far has been a Schmuck Revolution.

President Mubarak was allowed to resign from office and withdraw with family to the luxuries of Sharm el-Sheikh. He's now reportedly too ill to answer for his government's ongoing violence, murder, torture & corruption.

Most who marched & risked their lives for change know:
- momentum is lost
- the worst scum escaped justice
- media is unreliable
- reform is now a controlled drip
- bureaucratic tyranny continues
- Spy Chief Omar Suleiman is unhealthy for Egypt

Some believe:
- Egypt has a whore government under foreign control

Some Egyptians of course are in denial.

The term "Schmuck Revolution" can be applied to the handover of political power from USA President George W. Bush to Barack Obama in the midst of national bailout for banks, manufacturers and financial brokerages. The system was on the verge of collapse, yet those big businesses and their executives were funneled public funds and allowed to continue operations. People indebted to the banks (the great majority of the American people) were forced to prop-up the capitalist system and the financier executives.

Hail the Groundhog

Groundhog Day is every 2nd Feb
but each summer, Punxsutawney Pennsylvania (USA) holds a Groundhog Festival. It ain't what it used to be, when they chomped them hogs...

news article above (link)

Punxsutawney Groundhog Club

Punxsutawney Groundhog Festival


George W. Bush & his colleagues piously waged war in Iraq and Afghanistan "to help" local people. Those people still need help - many are homeless, whole neighborhoods often lack power and water. Many in those nations are injured, ill, or cannot read.

Too few Bush buddies volunteer to help.

Those scum slyly "volunteered" the rest of us. They themselves enjoy luxury -- feasting on sacrifice & slaughter.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kill 'Em !   ...ain't ok

Our most recent 'Coalition of the Willing' now crusades in Libya, raining fire from the sky in the form of Tomohawk missiles and other instruments of death.

We're deputized to protect civilians, but sadly kill some...

Our technology targets the Libyan military from far away -- killing them regardless if they're now making war.

These young people are perhaps conscripts. They are part of local communities; their deaths will be mourned & perhaps avenged. If we imagine all those foreign military people are fair targets, surely we should recognize our own military people become more threatened.

Our great political leadership destroys retreating units who've never seen action. Those rules of engagement consign our own soldiers to greater threat of death; brutality is forced on everyone. War is ugly, whoever it's aimed at.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dance Wit Da Devil

The Arab League supported a "No Fly Zone" around Libya to protect Libyan civilians. They now complain that allowing a "No Fly Zone" was not preemptive permission to bombard assorted Western-defined targets. Wide-ranging military strikes continue.

Classic outmaneuvering.

Government compound (Tripoli, Libya) bombed 20 March 2011
The attack echoes previous bombing 25 years ago, 15 April 1986

The UN General Assembly clearly condemned all such operations: "No State or group of States has the right to intervene or interfere in any form or for any reason whatsoever in the internal and external affairs of other States." (A/RES/36/103; 9 Dec 1981)

"Libyan rebels" to some extent have been created & supplied from abroad. US & UK leaders claim Libyan regime change is not their goal. Only a few nations agreed to intervene in Libya's internal affairs, and the operations are contrary to international law. Neither did the Obama administration seek support from the US Congress. In any case, can outsiders impose a favorable leadership?

Colonial powers again wage war with no clear exit strategy. Might Libyan loyalist forces now fight back in unconventional ways around the world? Soldiers on all sides lose their youth and are horribly killed or brutalized; cultures & communities are destroyed; common folk get crushed.

Flim Flam Fone

Would grandma be cheated on her telephone payment plan?

Telephone company spokespersons would answer "no" - there's never been a richer range of choice for consumers.

Everyone else understands "yes" - there are dozens of plans locking Grandmother into high-priced lengthy contracts for services she doesn't want or need, and cannot afford.

It's hugely difficult to make informed choice. Not accidentally - this is deliberate corporate looting. Granny's simply another sheep fleeced by shameless business behavior. If it ain't illegal, sales forces must bamboozle granny for their own survival. If it is illegal, corporate lobbyists seek change in regulation. Goodbye Grandma.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Too Easily Surprised by Disaster

Leaders around the world seek to reassure us, the common people, that they are expert & know best what to do. The wars that they involve us in are necessary. Our infrastructural investments (created under contract to their friends) are safe & efficient.

But sometimes we are lied to. And too often the leaders are stupid.

Fomer US National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice claimed (16 May 2002) nobody could have predicted al-Qaeda would "use an airplane as a missile" -- she was stupid, and failed to do her job, but nonetheless soon got promoted.

Now we are told, in the midst of Fukushima's looming nuclear disaster, that similar reactors are wholly safe. We are told it's astronomically unlikely a magnitude 9 earthquake, or a large tsunami, will occur again or happen near us. But what of other accidents? Dangers include an asteroid strike, or a huge land slip, or a nuclear weapon of the USA, Russia, Israel, etc. detonating accidentally -- any of these could trigger further earthquake or tsunami... If such disaster happens, our dipshit politicians will say "oops" or "nobody could have imagined..."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jackal for America's Warlords - O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly is more than a journalist. He's a wart on the eye of America. If you know nothing about him, enjoy your good fortune & move on.

Jackal for America's Warlords - Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart is a propagandeer. His work is controversial, consistently against disadvantaged people. With ambitions to outshine Rupert Murdoch, his talents seem wasted as a right-wing brownnoser. I'm reminded of Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert, insinuating himself into every event. A poison creeper...

Jackal for America's Warlords - Novak

Robert Novak was a reporter & commentator who acted as a political hatchet man for highly-partisan elements in the George W. Bush administration. His intrusion disclosed names & details of key US intelligence assets, threatening lives and destroying careers. He should have been tried for treason, but escaped indictment. He died a few years later from brain cancer.

Jackal for America's Warlords - Coulter

Ann Coulter transitioned from life as a lawyer to successfully positioning herself as a lightning rod for controversy. Coulter's attention-grabbing deflects America's public from substantive national problems, leading instead to impassioned discussion of the trite & banal. A useful celebrity servant to America's warlords, with homes in Manhattan & Palm Beach, her grand ambitions demand additional rewards. Stay tuned...