Commercial Captive Carlos Ghosn, Land of the Rising Sun?
Japan concocts
many corporate scandals, struck by: pollution & poisoning, deadly
designs, substituting substandard components, circumventing safety
audits, working employees to death, etc. -- plus unreported evils.
Japan's corporate executives are rarely arrested or incarcerated even
when mismanagement brings death or massive trauma (see
企業犯罪, 日本語 Wikipedia).
Nissan Mismanagement Case summary:
Gaijin Beware!
Regardless of
"Japan Inc." gossip tarnishes Japan's legal system & damages
business. Continuing intrigue harms all Japan.
Nissan's former Chairman still praises Japan, but this video's 4:46 edit will worry his foes. Heroic stuff!
Scandal for Nissan Motor Co, Mitsubishi Motors, Renault, & Japan |
日産自動車 Nissan Mismanagement Scandal: Weird & Worrying |