After two weeks in Japan, here are a few positive impressions:
-- So many flowering trees! In the parks, in people's gardens, along many rivers & streams. Great!
-- Food preparation care is typically high-quality. Attention to detail is really nice.
-- I had my first real smell of Spring the other day. Wow!
-- Tiny kids are commuting by themselves. It's weird but reassuring seeing such minis out & about.
-- There's much kindness here in the midst of crush & hurry.
I'm sure to remember more & add them later.
Japan's bad points will go in another post (link)...
-- So many flowering trees! In the parks, in people's gardens, along many rivers & streams. Great!
-- Food preparation care is typically high-quality. Attention to detail is really nice.
-- I had my first real smell of Spring the other day. Wow!
-- Tiny kids are commuting by themselves. It's weird but reassuring seeing such minis out & about.
-- There's much kindness here in the midst of crush & hurry.
I'm sure to remember more & add them later.
Japan's bad points will go in another post (link)...