Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Nazi Chicago

Photos & films of cocky Nazi SS troopers rounding up & brutalizing the innocent in Europe have helped our world grow away from those terrors.

But now Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel seeks to stifle American debate by magnifying protestor penalties and prosecuting those filming police brutality. The upcoming May G8 & NATO summits in Chicago are expected to rekindle scenes of 1968, when Chicago policemen merrily busted heads & bloodied the dreams of Americans seeking a kinder national discourse.

It is now illegal under the Illinois Eavesdropping Act to record police without permission. The Class 1 felony is punishable by 15 years in prison.

Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy (link) reportedly favors video & audio recordings as protection for both police & the public.

State brutality is dangerous. Our foreign interventions deserve scrutiny, and domestic political suppression must be reviewed (and should not happen at all). Four words against tyranny for Mayor Rahm Emanuel: "Let My People Know!"