A new beginning is possible this 2012. Good health & happiness are goals worth working for.
Economic insecurity triggers stress, illness & despair in many people. We will suffer till the population understands they've bought-in to a flim-flam society full of minefields & continued stress. "Let the buyer beware" when purchasing: accountability is poor to non-existent. Work hard at a tough job without a living wage. Turn on TV for force-fed bullshit. Bad scenario.
The pathway to a better world won't be on corporate TV till it's well-trodden old news. You're not alone in pain & insecurity. Born with nothing, we slave to rest. The entitlement systems are warped. The super wealthy, the banks, the military, have taken almost everything. New ideas are twisted as the masses are pushed to fight, slave & die. Good luck finding a better way to live in 2012.